Jordan Koene

- Part 1 Optimizing old vs creating new content — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics (copy)
- Part 2Where to start when evaluating your SEO performance? — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics (copy)
Show Notes
? 01:36Building growth on content assets? 05:40 -MarTechs prioritization of content
“We are now on the topic that is most relevant and most challenging, its figuring out where you start with your content, what do you do with the content you have and what do you create new.” -Jordan
“Leverage the community you have. You got all these great guests, they have great profiles, theyve got amazing episodes that they have been on over the past two years and how can we get them to link to your site and build-up that authority and awareness and that frequency in crawl rate that Google is going to have because theyre seeing these links.” -Jordan
“I was thinking about creating directories, like a list of every company with all of their reviews, maybe their marketing team, so like company profiles. We are also thinking about a job board, a blog.” -Ben
“Ben, this is exactly what it sounds like every time I have a conversation with someone who is really trying to think about how to prioritize content. Its a difficult thing to prioritize and understand because there is a ton of different emotions, thoughts, and ideas that are just spewing.” -Jordan
“What do you have versus what is not new. I think thats one area we can start with. The other area is looking at the order of impact and prioritizing this, to ensure that the starting place is one that can give you clear signals anddata. Then the last thing is, what are the resources you have.” -Jordan
“Lets start with what you do have. You have some category pages that are already on the site. You can take a look at whats working and not for these category pages. The other thing you can evaluate on these pages is, what is the quality content on these pages. Ask yourself if you actually have something that is unique, useful, engaging in these pages. These are the two instant checkpoints that you can do without having to go anywhere else.” -Jordan
“One of the greatest things that I think we miss out onis the free tools that Google provides us. One of them is Google trends, another is Google Adwords and then you can go further and deeper into this with Searchmetrics and other keyword tools to get insight into search volume, demand, location, and start to really understand what of these pages should you be prioritizing.” -Jordan
“The utility on these pages is going to be radically different. The individual podcast page has this direct connection with that episode but on the category page, you have this ability to really engage with online users in a totally different way. You have an ability to engage with the user who may be in discovery.” -Jordan
“Theres a way to use the category page that is much more in the browse path and youre now thinking about the funnel of the user and how you can actually produce a resource that is useful to them at that particular point in their discovery.” -Jordan
“So what I am hearing is that the utility of the page really matters. The category pages are great if you can get people to look for content-related to that category. My idea for this is to create a blog post talking about what data means in MarTech and at the footer of that page, give examples of the type of speakers weve had with a link, to enable somebody tosign up for the newsletter that will only send them episode related to data in MarTech.” -Ben
“Google cares about what users do on your page. What exactly that is, is that there are things you shouldnt do but I dont think that as long as youre doingabove-board here, Google wants to know that you are not just a static piece of content thats stale. They want to know that there are some expectations and there is something you are providing the consumers.” -Jordan
“Part of this is going back to the core assets you have. This is probably the most important piece in this episode, understanding what assets you have. With you Ben, were talking about a podcast that has access to a ginormous wealth of information, a network of contact and guests, and businesses who have influence and knowledge in the space.” -Jordan
“You should really focus on building assets and resources that users can engage with and utilize and that your community can contribute to. So, job listing. You already have a huge list of guest and Im sure are maybe looking for jobs or maybe have jobs that they want to fill. Get them on the job board.” -Jordan
“What Im hearing is, at the end of the day you need to build a utility for your users. You need to start thinking about the experience that they are going to have. The more engagements you are getting with those pages, the higher the value Google is going to assign them.” -Ben
“Iteration and being very consistent in that iteration is whats going to win your success. That ultimately is the number one thing you have to do in order to grow your traffic.” -Jordan
“I think the reason you ignore the blog is, a blog is a very time-consuming journey, you have a very new website and its going to be a whole new set of content to be maintained, its heavy-lifting and its going to take some time before it creates any traction.” -Jordan
“In this particular case, I just dont see the organic search utility in the blog. What you should prioritize and the most important is building out this utility pages. These pages are going to show a tremendous value to your community and your guests and build up the authority that you have.” -Jordan
- Part 1 Optimizing old vs creating new content — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics (copy)
- Part 2Where to start when evaluating your SEO performance? — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics (copy)
Jordan Koene

Up Next:
Part 1Optimizing old vs creating new content — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics (copy)
Part 2Where to start when evaluating your SEO performance? — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics (copy)
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