Why Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) will result in major traffic drops — Gilad David Maayan // Agile SEO

Gilad David Maayan, CEO of Agile SEO, looks at the impact of Google’s Search Generative Experience on website traffic. Google's Search Generative Experience introduces a new landscape for search results that has the potential to divert user attention away from traditional listings. Optimizing for SGE poses new challenges as traditional SEO strategies may not apply effectively. Today, Gilad discusses why Google’s Search generative Experience will result in major traffic drops.
About the speaker

Gilad David Maayan

Agile SEO

 - Agile SEO

Gilad is CEO of Agile SEO

Get Your SGE Assessment Here

Show Notes

  • 02:05
    Agile SEO pioneering solutions for Google's SGE impact and recovery
    Agile SEO is a B2B and tech-focused agency working with both established companies and startups in competitive markets. Theyre among the first to address the impact of Google's SGE on search, offering solutions for estimating its impact and recovery strategies.
  • 05:12
    Understanding Googles SGE and its impact on search
    Google's SGE is a beta program integrating AI text into search results, currently limited to the US, India, and Japan. It may launch in December 2023, but traffic drops aren't occurring yet, and the industry is gearing up for the shift when SGE becomes the primary search interface.
  • 10:07
    Assessing potential traffic drops from Googles SGE
    To gauge potential traffic drops from SGE, start by creating a list of crucial keywords and use at least two Google SGE accounts to check your rankings. Make note of whether SGE appears for these keywords and where you rank in each account to understand your current position.
  • 13:39
    Googles SGE impact on ad revenue
    Currently, ads appear above the SGE experience in search results. When you scroll further, youll find the regular 10 blue links beneath SGE results and below the fold, but SGEs future impact on Googles ad revenue remains uncertain.
  • 14:55
    Assessing the impact on traffic in Googles SGE
    To evaluate traffic impact in SGE, focus on two key factors: your current rank in regular Google, and what is going to be your CTR in Google SGE. Though there isnt enough data available right now, Agile SEO developed an SGE impact model to help estimate potential traffic changes.
  • 17:55
    Agile SEOs SGE Impact Model
    The Agile SEO Impact Model assesses two key factors: ranks and CTR, using optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for each. By combining these scenarios, you can gauge the potential traffic change for your keywords in SGE compared to your current traffic.
  • 22:15
    Websites at risk of SGE traffic drops
    It's challenging to pinpoint which websites are more at risk from SGE drops as SEO optimization doesn't guarantee SGE optimization. Optimizing for SGE requires different strategies not widely understood, making an SGE impact assessment crucial to understanding your position.
  • 23:51
    How Agile SEO is helping companies understand their SGE performance
    Agile SEO's SGE Impact Model can be used independently, but they also offer an assessment service. Partnering with Agile SEO is valuable due to their experience with numerous websites and their ability to offer guidance for recovery based on the assessment.


  • "I highly recommend that if you're in any way connected to SEO, you should be experiencing Google SGE. Then you can see what SGE looks like and what the big deal is." - Gilad David Maayan

  • "Large-scale research was published that over 70% of keywords across many different niches that were checked have the SGE experience. It's between 70% and 90% that have the SGE experience, depending on niche." - Gilad David Maayan

  • "If you're ranking on Google SGE, and you're number eight, it's like being number eight on page one of Google." - Gilad David Maayan

  • "When a keyword has ads, the ads are above the SGE. And when you scroll down further you have the regular 10 blue links below SGE. So you're if you're number one there, it doesn't really matter anymore." - Gilad David Maayan

  • "Some clients are dropping by as much as 95% in SGE, and some are growing by 20%, 30%, or even 200%. You can't predict success in SGE solely based on your investment in traditional SEO." - Gilad David Maayan

  • "There's a new type of optimization required for SGE, which is not well understood yet. Many people are not optimized for SGE, and some pages are ranking purely by chance." Gilad David Maayan

About the speaker

Gilad David Maayan

Agile SEO

 - Agile SEO

Gilad is CEO of Agile SEO

Get Your SGE Assessment Here

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