Using AI to build linkable assets
- Part 1 Using AI to build linkable assets
- Part 2Personal brand building with AI
- Part 1 Using AI to build linkable assets
- Part 2Personal brand building with AI
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Part 1Using AI to build linkable assets
Stephan Spencer, Self-Employed, delves into the use of AI to build linkable assets. In this episode, Stephan shares his perspectives on: using AI to enhance the creation of linkable assets, impact of AI on traditional link-building strategies, best practices for integrating AI in SEO content strategies, challenges and solutions in AI-driven content generation, and measuring the effectiveness of AI-enhanced link-building campaigns.
Part 2Personal brand building with AI
Stefan Spencer discusses the importance of personal branding in the era of AI, emphasizing that it's the only brand one keeps from cradle to grave. He highlights that personal branding is crucial for survival and adaptability, especially in the face of AI advancements. Spencer advises leveraging AI to enhance personal branding by creating comprehensive content from talks, articles, and interviews. He suggests starting small with habits like daily YouTube videos or podcast appearances and using AI tools to repurpose content into long-form blog posts and other media. He also stresses the importance of discernment and focusing on what truly adds value.
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