Trouble-shooting after an algo update — Jordan Koene // Searchmetrics

Searchmetrics’ SEO Strategist, Jordan Koene discusses troubleshooting your website after an algorithm update. While Google continues to discourage panic around their algorithm update, people still want to know how their websites could be affected. Today, Jordan talks about what to do in the wake of Google’s latest algorithm update.
About the speaker

Jordan Koene


 - Searchmetrics

Jordan is SEO Strategist at Searchmetrics

Show Notes

  • 02:36
    Figuring out the impact on your website
    Monitor the data and your sites performance for any changes. Data collected before the update is best as Google has been basing their decisions on that data.
  • 05:33
    Algorithm changes and websites
    Changes are usually small, across a wide variety of pages. Established brands with high quality content may experience slight volatility.
  • 06:12
    What makes this update different from the Panda update
    Google seems to only be punishing sites that consistently produce low quality, and spammy content. Those producing high quality content have remained minimally affected.
  • 07:36
    How to advise cross
    Expect fluctuations in search and business result performance. Its an opportunity for those with limited SEO exposure to increase their knowledge and create relevant action plans.
  • 10:05
    Increasing site performance
    Identify pages that havent received much attention and determine the cause. Those insights can guide you towards better investing your ranking efforts.
  • 11:44
    Handling decrease in ranking by multiple positions
    Get rid of content that is outdated and low quality. Focus on quickly improving the quality of pages that traffic is being lost on.
  • 14:22
    MUM and the content evaluation process
    MUM is Googles attempt at basing their search engine on user intent. Adjusting your content to ensure that it provides value to users will drive ranking results.
  • 15:22
    Celebrating ranking success
    Be sure that the ranking happened as a result of the update. If it was, consider all the individual steps involved in yielding positive results. Give recognition to the team members involved in the process.


  • "Google has been collecting data up until this point to make decisions. Maybe there's something in the last week that can help us understand where volatility may occur, if any may occur." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "For established brands and sites that have high quality content, there may be some volatility that takes place, but it's not going to be an earth shattering scenario." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "I do genuinely believe when Google says, hey, look, if you're doing the right things, nothing crazy is going to happen to you." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "Nearly all of Googles summer updates decimated spammy or low quality scenarios. Everyone seemed fine. It was a good case study of where Google is going with some of these changes." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "We've noticed that after some of these updates, there's a rebound effect. Other pages on these larger sites overtake other rankings and traffic settles into a new level." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "One of the great opportunities about these updates is that it's an educational opportunity for all the people who don't know much about SEO." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "If you spend a little bit of time taking stock, looking at your inventory, and how your content is structured, you will figure out pretty quickly where your risk areas are." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "If the ecosystem is riddled with poor quality content, then you're not going to help the rest of your site grow." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "Your priorities should be highly focused on the fastest way to improve quality to those pages that youve lost traffic." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

  • "If you can quickly improve and adjust your content to be more meaningful, you can bet that MUM is going to identify it much sooner and Google will adjust rankings accordingly." -Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist, Searchmetrics

About the speaker

Jordan Koene


 - Searchmetrics

Jordan is SEO Strategist at Searchmetrics

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