SEO strategy vs. SEO tactics — Kevin Indig // Growth Advisor

Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor at, discusses SEO strategy, tactics, and eCommerce SEO. Many SEOs and agencies are often limited by their lack of understanding when it comes to SEO strategy. While many SEOs prefer to focus on tactics, it’s really the ability to develop a solid SEO strategy and get buy-in from stakeholders and executives that will get SEO the funding it needs to implement those strategies. Today, Kevin talks about SEO strategy versus SEO tactics.
About the speaker

Kevin Indig

 is a little camera shy

Kevin is Growth Advisor at

Show Notes

  • 01:53
    The difference between SEO strategy and SEO tactics
    SEO tactics are the steps or tasks to be completed in order to execute an SEO strategy. SEO strategy is the action plan comprising the aforementioned steps and focuses on the why.
  • 03:44
    Starting with the SEO strategy vs SEO tactics
    Its best to take a top-down approach and start with the SEO strategy then move into the SEO tactics. In order to get stakeholder and executive buy-in, you must define what success is and help decision-makers understand the resources required to achieve your objectives.
  • 06:37
    Characteristics of a strong SEO strategy
    A good SEO strategy defines success very clearly and speaks to the impact on the companys bottom line. A good SEO strategy also outlines challenges, risks, requirements, and priorities in terms of objectives.
  • 09:18
    Using SEO roadmaps for buy
    The roadmap will outline your biggest priorities and an estimation of the time it will take to execute on those priorities based on stakeholder recommendations. Ideally, the roadmap helps to ensure that everyone involved in the SEO strategy is aligned.
  • 12:41
    SEO strategy implementation
    The job of an SEO during implementation is really to state the requirements or outline what is needed to the rest of the team. Then, its about giving those teams the space to execute on those requirements which in turn drives their interest and helps with buy-in.
  • 15:33
    Revising an SEO strategy
    Consumer behavior changes regularly so its best practice to look back at your SEO strategy every six months to make the necessary adjustments. Look at external and internal factors to decide if you need to change a strategy.
  • 19:20
    Getting buy
    When strategies have to be revised, its best to provide reasons for those changes to stakeholders and executives. By helping them understand why changes need to be made, you make it easier for them to adjust and more alignment is created.


  • "If you want to get things done either with a client or when you work in-house, you have to talk on a strategic level." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "SEO tactics are the what and SEO strategies are the why." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "You always want to go top down. You always want to start with the SEO strategy and then boil it down to the tactics." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "If you want to get buy-in, you need to help people understand what the future will look like if you implement the tactics correctly." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "You don't have to talk very tactically to decision-makers and executives. You need to speak their language." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "As an SEO, your job when it comes to implementation is to draw the boundaries. You basically want to say, let me outline what we need, and youll fill in the color." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "Its healthy to revise your SEO strategy every six months. In my experience, anything that's more granular than that creates a lot of thrash and change fatigue within teams and companies." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "Sometimes you have to pivot. When you help your peers, executives, and the teams who work with you to understand why youve made these changes, their buy-in is five times higher." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

  • "A lot of SEOs and agencies fail at getting the strategy right. And, that's why they don't get funding. That's why they don't get buy-in." -Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor,

About the speaker

Kevin Indig

 is a little camera shy

Kevin is Growth Advisor at

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