Wasif Kasim
Online Marketing Gurus

Wasif is the MD at OMG. His approach is always hands-on, strategic & data-driven, with proven results across startups, enterprises, SaaS, tech, education and more. He's bringing his 11+ years of experience and enthusiasm to the table.nn(Thinking about a different guest for the second topic, just seeing if you're interested in these topics and we can go into more detail if you are)
- Part 1 An Online Marketing Guru’s B2B SEO Essentials
- Part 2Global Domination with International SEO
Show Notes
? 01:53SEO is the same everywhere in the world? 02:59 -Where SEO fits in an average B2B client
“SEO is the same everywhere in the world and they may be slightly different ways that you practice SEO because the country that you live or live in may not have Google.” -Wasif
“Right now it is actually very, very hard to attribute the success of an individual campaign, whilst its possible. The reality is that customers are actually going through all your channels and converting via one at the end of it.” -Wasif
“For instance, one of the customers I was looking at in their customer journeys, they went through email, Facebook, SEO, read multiple blogs, saw, and Adwords campaign and then finally converted via the website and this is across 200 touchpoints in the span of a month after he converted.” -Wasif
“SEO is one of the channels that will typically convert the highest. The beautiful thing about SEO is unlike paid channels, while I do love them, SEO is something that you got to invest in as it takes a little bit longer to kick in than the paid channels but they will also last longer as well.” -Wasif
“I really like that you said SEO is long-term returns, thats an important distinction. I think SEOs listening to this podcast thinks about developing content that is going to be evergreen, build value overtime and thats why the notion of long-term returns really makes sense.” -Ben
“SEO and the same can be said about Facebook and Adwords, they are lead gen channel, 100%. For brand new businesses where no one knows about the brand and the brand doesnt exist, its a fantastic social proof as well. It increases awareness and not just leads.” -Wasif
“Without content, SEO is nothing. Weve all heard about that algorithm updates that Google has done to really place a big priority on serving the right content and the most useful content to people searching in Google. So when it comes to lead gen, acquisition, and all that, content needs to be a massive part of the SEO strategy.” -Wasif
“One of the most common denominators that Ive seen is high-quality content at a high velocity every single month especially when you are starting this journey in SEO in content. As a rule of thumb, produce 10-15 high-quality blogs every single month on your site and each blog is like 2,000 words.” -Wasif
“To begin with, a good place to start especially when youre fresh is to announce to Google, Dude, Im here and Im a big deal and a good way to do that is to start with the high volume of content.” -Wasif
“Blogs alone are fantastic and yes they help with SEO but youneed to promote it via every other channel. That frequency of posting is really important because when youre starting you want to create an incredible bank of content that you can use to fill things like your email marketing drips. You want them to get email marketing drips like 1 or 2 a week and for that you need content.” -Wasif
“Secondly, you also want to promote these blogs on Facebook and LinkedIn i.e. paid channels to improve the awareness of your product. Youre not necessarily selling your product but youre pushing the thought leadership.” -Wasif
“This is why frequency is important: you can amplify a lot of stuff across many channels.” -Wasif
“In todays world, its really important that your paid and non-paid channels work together as a team effort to ultimately produce results that a business wants.” -Wasif
“Its very important to use tools like SurferSEO which is a fantastic tool which helps you understand exactly what words to put in that article and you keep tweaking it until it givesyou a green light where it says your article is beautifully SEO-optimized.” -Wasif
- Part 1 An Online Marketing Guru’s B2B SEO Essentials
- Part 2Global Domination with International SEO
Wasif Kasim
Online Marketing Gurus

Wasif is the MD at OMG. His approach is always hands-on, strategic & data-driven, with proven results across startups, enterprises, SaaS, tech, education and more. He's bringing his 11+ years of experience and enthusiasm to the table.nn(Thinking about a different guest for the second topic, just seeing if you're interested in these topics and we can go into more detail if you are)
Up Next:
Part 1An Online Marketing Guru’s B2B SEO Essentials
Part 2Global Domination with International SEO
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