Doug Bell

- Part 1Balance between Paid and Search
- Part 2 Understanding your point of search diminishing returns
Show Notes
? 01:47Building your digital foundation? 04:47 -Search with paid, trail with content
“I think a good place to start is defining what your digital foundation is. In this case, I would describe itas the collection of your paid search, paid social organic search, your website, and your website properties, and your email activities.” -Doug
“Fundamentals, for us, are what we call tech SEO but lets define it more narrowly which is site performance. Does it load quickly? Is it well-linked? Do you have high-performing content on the site?” -Doug
“I think we understand the broader which is a lot of activity around the bottom of the funnel for B2B marketers is seizing up and its seizing up because people have real hesitation to buy so its a bit of a distorted picture right now and its distorted both in the negative and in the positive and so if youre looking right now at where to invest and where to cut, what I would look at very, very strongly is, how are your fundamentals?.” -Doug
“The way that we tend to look at this is to say, what are the set of keyword or what is the keyword with the highest potential traffic in there, as an example and what is it going to cost me to grab territory, if you will. Thats the starting point.” -Doug
“If you think about building for the long term, focus on content as opposed to building your performance marketing capabilities.” -Ben
“The generation of non-data focused CMOs is long gone. I say that becauseits fair to say that CMOs doesnt have a very strong understanding of their funnel. Whats performing and where.” -Doug
“Some parts of your funnel is currently disrupted and so my strong advice is to find the portion of the funnel that is not disrupted.” -Doug
“What we are absolutely seeing across the marketplace is that people have not stopped investigating and they arepreparing for the post-COVID future. They are self-educating like crazy.” -Doug
“Top of the funnel right now is very cheap. Your ability to grab brand awareness and I would emphasize using all that great educational content you created on your site forpeople to find that content. Put it out there. Go to LinkedIn and go to Facebook.” -Doug
“Dont fire your agency. I know that for some companies, they dont have a choice. But if you are cutting your host now, what I have to first say is that you have an agency for a reason and thats because they are either able to extend your power or extend your expertise.” -Doug
While all these marketers are cutting, there is an opportunity to get it from that audience. So what youve effectively done is youve taken this opportunity and youve wasted it. But not only that, youve really reduced your power and reach and your expertise. These are bad ideas.” -Doug
“The minute you realize its time to spend money on digital marketing again, you are going to haveto go back to that lag and that switching costs and youre going to suffer for it.” -Doug
- Part 1Balance between Paid and Search
- Part 2 Understanding your point of search diminishing returns
Doug Bell

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Part 1Balance between Paid and Search
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Part 2Understanding your point of search diminishing returns