Building an SEO hypothesis to validate your ideas

SEO Product Manager at Indeed, Gus Pelogia, discusses the intricacies of building an SEO hypothesis to validate your ideas. By breaking down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks, Gus highlights how this approach can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SEO strategies. He emphasizes the importance of internal pitches for big SEO projects, providing insights that are crucial for professionals looking to advance their SEO initiatives.
About the speaker

Gus Pelogia


 - Indeed

Gus is SEO Product Manager at Indeed

Show Notes

  • 00:45
    Breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable activities.
    This approach helps in tracking progress more effectively and gives a sense of completion as smaller milestones are achieved.
  • 03:30
    The significance of internal communication when pitching big SEO projects.
    Emphasizes the need for clear and strategic communication within the company to secure buy-in for large-scale SEO initiatives.
  • 05:50
    Running SEO tests to validate new strategies and hypotheses.
    Discusses the methodologies and importance of conducting SEO tests to ensure the strategies implemented are effective and yield measurable results.


  • "It's usually a little bit more complicated than just two phrases." - Gus Pelogia

  • "Breaking it down into smaller tasks feels like you're getting closer to completion." - Gus Pelogia

  • "Different activities are seen as different by the engineers who pick them up." - Gus Pelogia

About the speaker

Gus Pelogia


 - Indeed

Gus is SEO Product Manager at Indeed

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