Results And Communication During And After A Core Update — Craig Harkins // CoStar

Craig Harkins, Director of SEO and Content at CoStar, talks about management in a core update. Google's core updates can yield three outcomes: stability, enhancements, or declines in website performance. Even when there's no change, a compelling narrative is essential to justify ongoing investments of time and effort in SEO. Today, Craig discusses results and communication during and after a core update.
About the speaker

Craig Harkins


 - CoStar

Craig is Director of SEO and Content at CoStar

Show Notes

  • 02:56
    Communicating core update results to partners and managers
    Early communication is key, leveraging official Google documentation for reference. Reporting progress through dashboards, keyword groups, and expected trends helps partners understand the impact and prepare for subsequent updates.
  • 08:51
    Communicating the impact of core updates when nothing happens
    When faced with scenarios of no change, improvement, or decline after a core update, crafting a meaningful narrative is essential. Explaining that efforts maintained pace with industry trends, or detailing industry-specific impact, can provide context even if no significant change occurs.
  • 12:28
    What to do when Google rewards you after a core update
    When positive results come out of a core update for your website, acknowledge your engineering partners' efforts. Communicate the success across the organization, share credit, and leverage the win to get future buy-in for prioritization of SEO work.
  • 14:22
    Leveraging core update wins to strengthen cross departmental partnerships
    Sharing these wins can ease interdepartmental politics by acknowledging and sharing credit with teams that contributed to positive outcomes. This approach makes future requests more likely to be approved and gives the teams something they can brag about as well.
  • 15:00
    How to manage and communicate the negative impact of a core update
    When your site is negatively affected by a core update, notify leadership immediately. Provide an evaluation of the initial findings, and assess whether the impact aligns with previously identified risks.
  • 21:01
    Unlocking potential opportunities from core updates
    Core updates provide a chance to implement previously postponed ideas. Those strategies your teams contemplated but couldn't execute due to timing constraints can now be reconsidered as a compelling opportunity.


  • "In measuring the results of a core update, what are the things coming out of it that you can control? And what are the things that are the new playing field everyone has to deal with?" - Craig Harkins

  • "If you've been performing a lot of activities, and a core update comes, and nothing happens, you actually need a story around that. Because, if nothing happened, then why are we investing all this time and effort in it?" - Craig Harkins

  • "Celebrate successes after a core update, involving engineering partners, sharing credit, and leveraging the momentum for future prioritization opportunities." - Craig Harkins

  • "Leverage core update successes to bridge cross-departmental divides by sharing credit and building partnerships that foster cooperation." - Craig Harkins

  • "Timely communication is key when facing a negative impact from a core update. Don't delay; inform leadership promptly to maintain trust and tackle issues head-on." - Craig Harkins

  • "Core updates offer the perfect timing to revisit ideas previously on hold and make a compelling case for bold moves." - Craig Harkins

About the speaker

Craig Harkins


 - CoStar

Craig is Director of SEO and Content at CoStar

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