Cleaning up AI-created SEO content — Jeff Coyle // MarketMuse

Jeff Coyle, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at MarketMuse, delves into AI-powered content management for planning, creation, and refinement. With AI enabling the generation of vast amounts of content, Google will have to take measures against inauthentic and low-quality content. Recent updates like the product reviews update and the helpful content update indicate Google is assessing the overall quality of a website and becoming more proactive in identifying and penalizing websites that cannot justify the value of their content. Today, Jeff discusses cleaning up AI-created SEO content.
About the speaker

Jeff Coyle


 - MarketMuse

Jeff is Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at MarketMuse

Show Notes


  • "In the era of limitless content, focus on quality over quantity. Don't publish low-quality or mediocre content; the stakes are high for brand longevity. Expertise and intent still matter." - Jeff Coyle

  • "Google will have to take a heavy hand against inauthentic content. So you need to be thinking about whether you can be authentic and authenticatable. Can you justify the value to users of you writing those 30,000 posts?" - Jeff Coyle

  • "There's a big difference between understanding expertise and intent and just saying the person who's ranking well for this term does this, so I should too. Copying your competitors and idols donest work at scale." - Jeff Coyle

  • "The auditing process is getting harderit's about adding value, differentiation, expertise, and authenticateable information. Thats going to be the audit of the future." - Jeff Coyle

About the speaker

Jeff Coyle


 - MarketMuse

Jeff is Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at MarketMuse

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