How to beat a Unicorn on Google — Damon Burton // SEO National

Damon Burton, Founder of SEO National, delves into various ways to think about optimizing content for search engines. While competing with industry giants is challenging, it's not always necessary to outrank them in every aspect. By identifying what you can do better than the unicorns in your industry, you can carve out a niche, build a loyal customer base, and establish a competitive edge that enables you to thrive alongside these giants. Today, Damon discusses how to beat a unicorn on Google.
About the speaker

Damon Burton

SEO National

 - SEO National

Damon is Founder of SEO National

Show Notes

  • 03:19
    How an unofficial Bachelor fan site outranked ABC on Google
    Damon made an unofficial fan site for one of the Bachelor winners and outranked ABC for its branded term, “bachelor” because info on the contestant was scarce online. He organized content in a way that was easily findable for dedicated fans, solving the issue.
  • 10:24
    How an automotive website outranked the SEMA convention for its own terms
    After his first time at the SEMA convention, Damon realized that there was limited event coverage available online. He already had an automotive website and compiled extensive photos and content on the event, eventually outranking SEMA for their own terms.


  • "Niche down and focus on what you sell better and cheaper than the big unicorn in your industry. And then focus on the content that brings in that ideal consumer for that specific product." - Damon Burton

  • "You can find opportunities to go after major markets, no matter who's already in the way if you can figure out a way to bundle up the content, solve a problem, and bring it to your audience in a unique way." - Damon Burton

About the speaker

Damon Burton

SEO National

 - SEO National

Damon is Founder of SEO National

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