Structured data & microformats in a changing search landscape — Natasha Ghosh // Riot Games

Natasha Ghosh, SEO Manager at Riot Games, delves into topic modeling and structured data. In 2023, there has been a trend of structured data experiences being diminished or losing significance in SERPs. These changes in the search landscape have raised questions regarding the continued relevance of structured data and schema markup as we head toward 2024. Today, Natasha discusses structured data and microformats in a changing search landscape.
About the speaker

Natasha Ghosh

Riot Games

 is a little camera shy

Natasha is SEO Manager at Riot Games

Show Notes

  • 03:04
    Structured data in a changing search landscape
    Google aims to provide all the information users need on the SERPs so they dont have to visit external websites. Structured data is crucial as it's a layer of code that sits on top of your content, helping search engines understand the objects on that page.
  • 04:52
    The importance of structured data today
    While the search landscape is evolving, websites largely remain static in their HTML and CSS structure. As search engines move toward more immersive and AI-generated search experiences, structured data will be crucial to retrieving information from websites effectively.
  • 07:44
    Despite AI and Googles prioritization of SERP features that previously gave websites clicks, structured data implementation is crucial. If you can provide your customers with the experience and information they need quickly, the clicks will follow to your website.
  • 09:02
    Knowledge graphs and structured data
    Using a structured data template for similar content will suffice, but specific markup is required for information intended for inclusion in knowledge graphs. While knowledge graphs don't increase the number of clicks to a website, they improve the experience of our customers.
  • 10:51
    Googles micro moments methodology and brand impact
    Addressing users' urgent needs in Google's micro-momentsthe need to know, go, do, and buybuilds rapport with users through our presence. Despite the challenge of measuring this quantitatively, it contributes to a company's brand impact over time.
  • 11:41
    How to approach structured data in 2024
    Implementing basic structured data tags across website sections can lead to substantial increases in ranking keywords and SERP features. Tools like Google Tag Manager simplify the implementation process, making it easy for all sites to automate schema markup.
  • 14:29
    The frequency of changing or testing schema elements
    Testing or changing schema elements shouldnt be frequent and should align with keyword activity, SERP features, and user behavior. Strategic updates, particularly for events, can enhance visibility, but overall, infrequent changes optimize both rankings and user experience.
  • 19:42
    Structured data, topic modeling, and SGE
    Structured data and topic modeling will increasingly come into play with SGE and the rise of chatbots like ChatGPT. The ability to communicate with search engines will grow in utility and that's where the application of a combination of structured data and topic modeling will be most beneficial.


  • "Everything is pointing towards an increasingly immersive search experience on the search engine results page itself. And what better way to gather that information from a website than structured data?" - Natasha Ghosh

  • "If our users can find enough content to satisfy their initial query, they're going to look for the source of that content as opposed to any other sources. So, it is still important for us to be implementing structured data." - Natasha Ghosh

  • "While knowledge graphs don't increase the number of clicks to a website, they do help the experience of our customers. And, at the end of the day, a happy customer means happy business." - Natasha Ghosh

  • "In 2023, for a section of our sites, we saw a 5,000% increase in SERP features just by implementing a basic structured data tag across all the articles pages." - Natasha Ghosh

About the speaker

Natasha Ghosh

Riot Games

 is a little camera shy

Natasha is SEO Manager at Riot Games

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