Vincent D'Eletto

- Part 1Top mistakes people make when producing content for SEO purposes
- Part 2 How to create content that satisfies both user intent and Google ranking factors
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? 01:28Common mistakes of people producing content? 03:40 -Is there a format that is better for SEO than long paragraphs, long-form content?
“Typically, people that arent used to SEO content or writing for search engines, they write articles like for an academic paper and in our digital marketing world that is certainly not what we want. We want conversational writing so its a very specific way of writing for the internet that a typical layperson might not know how to do.” -Vin
“You are talking about producing content specifically for SEO and as Google gets better with Natural Language Processing and they had their recent core update where they focused on NLP, it seems like you can write a little bit more sophisticated content and Google really understands what you are talking about.” -Ben
“It has to speak for the intent of the keyword. The whole idea of SEO content is ranking the article for the target keyword you want to go after so you have to first identify the intent of that keyword. Why is this person using this keyword to find this article and with that knowledge, where on the sales funnel is this person. That is the first thing that you really need to do when you set to write to an SEO optimized article.” -Vin
“We have SEO content or content that ranks well structured in a way thatkeeps peoples attention. So, it is short paragraphs, short sentences, very concise, and succinct stuff. My rule of thumb is, for every scroll on the screen I want to have something that breaks up the text itself. We found that it decreases the bounce rate and improves time on page.” -Vin
“Keyword density means how often you are using your target keyword and your secondary keywords within the article itself. These days, to figure out the proper keyword density I usually go by a rule of thumb of 3 to 5 occurrences of my target keyword in the article. As far as secondary keywords, I like to use them at least once each but usually not more than three times.” -Vin
“The target keyword is really the main keyword for the topic that you want exposure to. It has the most searched volume and its probably the most profitable keyword that you can rank for. Secondary keywords are keywords that are very related to that keyword target or support that keyword in some way.” -Vin
“In todays environment, you want to use both a single target keyword and a secondary supporting keyword because you will earn a little bit of traffic from each one of those words and when you paddle that traffic together youre going to have a nice piece of revenue-generating content on yourhands.” -Vin
“As a bare minimum, I would have my keyword in the title tag as close to the beginning of the title tag as possible. Ill have them at the H1 tag also as close as possible and if I can also work it into H2 to H4 heading, I will certainly do that. Then beyond that to include my target keyword in both the introduction and the conclusion. Those are the right spots for target keywords.” -Vin
“Other than keyword placement is well-written headlines and leads or introductions are huge for SEO. Using your introduction and your headline to speak to the intent that youve identified is really going to make or break the success of your piece of content.” -Vin
“When it comes to creating an article for Google, its pretty cut and dry at this point in 2020. We know how to create an article that ranks. The other side of it is creating an article that interests people. That goes back to intent identification and really doing your research ahead of time.” -Vin
“Understand the broad vertical about the topic, understand the pain points to really get inside the mind of your reader. If you can answer those questions and pain points contextually throughout your writing in a nonchalant way, that is really going to connect you with your readership.” -Vin
“At the end of the day, we as SEOs often think about ranking and visibility as our responsibility, as our main KPI. In reality, what drives business impact is a level deeper. It is not visibility, it is not page views it is the conversions that those pageviews are generating whether its driving leads for a B2B business, sales for ecommerce, you need to have a strong evaluation there not just of ranking.” -Ben
“Were great for knowledge-based articles, top-level awareness content, and top of the funnel type of stuff where your sales copywriter would really be the one that is handling your bottom-funnel content that is going to lead to a sale.” -Vin
“SEO content really drives the visitor down that funnel but the eventual conversion is done by the copywriter.” -Vin
“Something that a lot of people forget to do is once an article is published go on to Google Search Console and request indexation instead of just waiting for the Google bot to come around and crawl and find your article. Its little things like that give you a better chance and more of an edge to rank.” -Vin
- Part 1Top mistakes people make when producing content for SEO purposes
- Part 2 How to create content that satisfies both user intent and Google ranking factors
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Part 1Top mistakes people make when producing content for SEO purposes
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Part 2How to create content that satisfies both user intent and Google ranking factors