How to thrive through imposter syndrome

Coach and Host at Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast, Tazmin Suleman, discusses strategies for thriving through imposter syndrome. In this episode, Tazmin shares her perspectives on: identifying common signs of imposter syndrome in SEO professionals, effective strategies for combating imposter syndrome in the workplace, impact of imposter syndrome on team dynamics and leadership actions,tools and resources recommended for boosting confidence in SEO roles, and the role of vulnerability and mentorship in overcoming imposter syndrome.
About the speaker

Tazmin Suleman

Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast

 - Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast

Tazmin is Coach and Host at Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast

Show Notes

  • 05:30
    Identifying common signs of imposter syndrome in SEO professionals.
    The discussion focuses on the typical symptoms that SEO operators and marketing executives might experience, such as self-doubt and fear of not meeting expectations.
  • 10:45
    Effective strategies for combating imposter syndrome in the workplace.
    Explores various techniques that can be employed within SEO and Organic Growth Marketing fields to help individuals manage and overcome feelings of inadequacy.
  • 15:20
    Impact of imposter syndrome on team dynamics and leadership actions.
    Talks about how imposter syndrome can affect the cohesion and efficiency of a team, and what leaders can do to address these challenges proactively.
  • 20:55
    Tools and resources recommended for boosting confidence in SEO roles.
    Provides suggestions on specific tools and resources that can help individuals struggling with imposter syndrome improve their confidence and performance.
  • 25:40
    The role of vulnerability and mentorship in overcoming imposter syndrome.
    Discusses how embracing vulnerability and seeking mentorship can aid professionals in the SEO and marketing industries to combat imposter syndrome and foster a supportive work environment.


  • "When you get better at being you, the better you shows up in every sector of your life." - Tazmin Suleman

  • "Gratitude is the antidote for negativity." - Tazmin Suleman

  • "In any field, you can get so far by working on tactics and skills and, you know, learning a new language or learning a new trick and you can get so far. But then if you want to go further, then you have to become incredibly self-aware, incredibly emotionally intelligent. And that's where the real progress happens. " - Tazmin Suleman

  • "SEOs are really great at being curious about why certain things are happening. It's using the same curiosity about themselves." - Tazmin Suleman

  • "If you are an ambitious person and you're not feeling doubtful sometimes, then you're not growing." - Tazmin Suleman

  • “Many of us just drift through our careers and the stronger and clearer the vision that you have for what you want will give you the fuel to move forward past all of those difficulties. Celebrate your wins. We do not do that enough.”

About the speaker

Tazmin Suleman

Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast

 - Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast

Tazmin is Coach and Host at Tazmin Suleman Coaching/The SEO Mindset Podcast

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