Carving out meaningful SERP real estate

Travis Biechele, from Common Thread, discusses strategies for carving out meaningful SERP real estate. In this episode, Travis shares his perspectives on what the SERP landscape looks like and how it has evolved, the balance between paid and organic SEO, and how to begin an SEO journey as well as how to evaluate SERP.
About the speaker

Travis Biechele

Common Thread

 - Common Thread

Travis is Director of SEO at Common Thread

Show Notes

  • 03:10
    Impact of website builders on SEO performance and common pitfalls.
    The discussion highlights how certain website builders can restrict SEO capabilities and the typical issues SEO operators face with these platforms.
  • 07:45
    Strategies to overcome SEO challenges with website builders.
    Exploring effective methods for enhancing SEO on platforms that traditionally limit customization and advanced SEO tactics.
  • 12:30
    Comparison of SEO flexibility between WordPress and other website builders.
    Analyzing the differences in SEO potential and flexibility between WordPress and less customizable website building platforms.
  • 17:50
    Ensuring SEO best practices on restrictive website builders.
    Tips on how to work within the constraints of website builders to optimize SEO performance and adhere to best practices.
  • 22:05
    Importance of mobile responsiveness and page loading speed in SERP optimization.
    Discussing how crucial mobile responsiveness and fast loading speeds are for improving SERP visibility and user experience on websites created with builders.


  • “When you have a product or, you know, a very specific search. You should expect to see visuals that help guide your selection of what to click on and how to explore.” - Travis Biechele

  • “Every visual asset, whether it is a video or it is an image, should have alt text that appropriately describes the image that we're seeing.” - Travis Biechele

  • Keywords are all but gone; at least, they're deprioritized.” - Travis Biechele

  • “It's been at least a year or so since Google largely did away with the pagination.” - Travis Biechele

  • “Image quality and relevance are critical.” - Travis Biechele

About the speaker

Travis Biechele

Common Thread

 - Common Thread

Travis is Director of SEO at Common Thread

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