Importance of building content for e-commerce sites — Gabrielle Florance // Newell Brands

Gabrielle Florance, Senior Manager of Technical SEO at Newell Brands, explores strategies for content creation that maximize your online visibility. Content plays a multifaceted role in the success of eCommerce sites, impacting everything from search engine visibility to customer trust and loyalty. A well-developed content strategy is crucial for achieving continuous growth and staying competitive in the ever-evolving online marketplace. Today, Gabrielle discusses the importance of building content for eCommerce sites.
About the speaker

Gabrielle Florance

Newell Brands

 is a little camera shy

Gabrielle is Senior Manager of Technical SEO at Newell Brands.

Show Notes

  • 02:07
    Managing SEO strategies across multiple brands
    Newell works with brands across a variety of industries. The key to success lies in understanding each brand and its audience, in addition to collaborating with different teams to refine SEO strategies.
  • 03:49
    Navigating content strategy in a multi brand ecosystem
    For eCommerce sites, its crucial to understand the conversion funnel and identify opportunities for growth. While direct competition with big retailers isnt always possible, focusing on areas where you can leverage your brand's authority and create unique content they dont offer is key.
  • 05:07
    Creating a competitive eCommerce content strategy
    Your content strategy should include ways to provide valuable information beyond what is typically found on platforms like Amazon, such as maintenance tips. This approach enables smaller brands to address the broader needs of users and compete where big retailers are not.
  • 07:24
    How to approach structured data for eCommerce
    When implementing structured data on eCommerce sites, it's essential to consider not only product pages but also FAQ pages with question-and-answer schema markup. Ultimately, structured data should extend beyond product-specific content in order to maximize its benefits.
  • 09:58
    The value of bad reviews
    Bad reviews can have a positive impact on the authenticity and authority of a product in terms of demonstrating transparency and how a brand handles feedback. Negative reviews should prompt a review of the product to understand its shortcomings and improve upon them.
  • 11:27
    Google's evolving approach to reviews
    As Google aims to keep users on its SERPs more, UX and CRO are becoming more critical. In terms of reviews, Google values more detailed and informative reviews, including imagery, over brief and unhelpful ones, as they offer more value to users.
  • 13:54
    The use of AI in content creation for eCommerce
    Privacy concerns regarding data usage remain a significant consideration, given the potential risks of data leaks and unauthorized access. However, strategically utilizing AI for copy blocks on category pages and meta descriptions may offer benefits for teams managing multiple sites.


  • When I think about content, it's not just the product descriptions and reviews. It's also informational content, anything on our About Us page, FAQs, etc." -Gabrielle Florance, Snr Manager of Technical SEO, Newell Brands

  • "Bad reviews aren't necessarily a bad thing. It gives a good awareness of the authenticity of the product. And how you handle those bad reviews can also benefit you." -Gabrielle Florance, Snr Manager of Technical SEO, Newell Brands

  • "Three-word reviews aren't very helpful. Having more thorough reviews that show imagery of the actual product will benefit someone versus short reviews that give five stars." -Gabrielle Florance, Snr Manager of Technical SEO, Newell Brands

About the speaker

Gabrielle Florance

Newell Brands

 is a little camera shy

Gabrielle is Senior Manager of Technical SEO at Newell Brands.

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