Introducing SEO Work Flows: the end to end resource for SEO process — Jason Melman // DEPT

Jason Melman, VP of SEO and Creator of SEO Workflows, delves into a new platform and tool called SEO Workflows. As SEOs, we are constantly gathering data from various tools and dealing with first-party data. But the trouble is, the data isn't immediately actionable. That's why SEO Workflows was created – to automate and simplify data preparation for SEOs. Today, Jason discusses an introduction to SEO Workflows: the end-to-end resource for the SEO process.
About the speaker

Jason Melman


 is a little camera shy

Jason is VP of SEO and Creator of SEO Workflows

  • Part 1 Introducing SEO Work Flows: the end to end resource for SEO process — Jason Melman // DEPT

Show Notes

  • 01:45
    An overview of SEO Workflows
    SEO Workflows is a free application available at It was created to automate repetitive data analysis processes often required before actionable insights can be derived from the data from SEO tools.
  • 03:58
    Jasons career path in SEO and journey to Python
    Jason has been in SEO for seven years and experienced limitations within Excel running functions against large datasets. This led him to learn Python which eventually led to the creation of
  • 05:38
    Competitive keyword analysis in SEO Workflows
    The competitive keyword analysis tool compares multiple competitors' SEMrush data sets to uncover gaps in keyword rankings and optimization opportunities. It focuses on page-level analysis, highlighting keyword overlaps and identifying immediate opportunities for content alignment or creation.
  • 09:05
    SEO Workflows categories and future functionality expansion
    The categories include authority, relevance, tactical, and a general data analysis group. Future plans include enhancing the dashboard functionality for in-app data analysis, providing a preview of the data before downloading the data set, and more tutorials for SEO use cases.
  • 12:21
    AI integration for actionable insights in SEO Workflows
    Potentially, AI could be integrated into the product to provide recommended actions based on various data sets, but human QA and decision-making will still be necessary.
  • 14:04
    Cost and sign
    SEO Workflows is currently free to use without any cost for accessing the tools. Users can sign in with Google, and theyre automatically signed up on the platform and can access the platform's suite of tools.
  • 15:24
    Feedback mechanisms within SEO Workflows
    The platform incorporates a feedback button for users to share general feedback or report tool-related issues. This active feedback loop ensures continual improvement and user-driven enhancements within the platform for a better user experience.


  • "The purpose behind SEO Workflows is to help us with a lot of the manual data preparation we have to do." - Jason Melman

  • "With our competitive keyword analysis tool, you can compare a client's SEMrush data with multiple competitors, conducting page-level gap analysis. It's the number one thing SEOs aren't doing that they should be." - Jason Melman

  • "I'm not planning on ever adding a cost to SEO Workflows. I may add some unintrusive ads but I'm never going to do anything that would be detrimental to the experience." - Jason Melman

  • "In SEO Workflows, AI could come into play in terms of suggesting recommended actions from data sets. But human input will always be necessary for quality assurance and discerning the best opportunities." - Jason Melman

  • Part 1 Introducing SEO Work Flows: the end to end resource for SEO process — Jason Melman // DEPT
About the speaker

Jason Melman


 is a little camera shy

Jason is VP of SEO and Creator of SEO Workflows

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    Part 1Introducing SEO Work Flows: the end to end resource for SEO process — Jason Melman // DEPT

    Jason Melman, VP of SEO and Creator of SEO Workflows, delves into a new platform and tool called SEO Workflows. As SEOs, we are constantly gathering data from various tools and dealing with first-party data. But the trouble is, the data isn't immediately actionable. That's why SEO Workflows was created – to automate and simplify data preparation for SEOs. Today, Jason discusses an introduction to SEO Workflows: the end-to-end resource for the SEO process.