Leveraging ChatGPT for worldbuilding? — Ryan Bertollini // Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Ryan Bertollini, Digital Marketing Strategist at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, delves into ChatGPT for world-building and Google algorithm update myth-busting. The SEO community has been abuzz with discussions on how tools like ChatGPT can be harnessed to create immersive digital environments. This approach not only paves the way for creating web 3.0 experiences but also opens doors for brands to keep users engaged within their own platforms. Today, Ryan discusses leveraging ChatGPT for world-building.
About the speaker

Ryan Bertollini

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

 is a little camera shy

Ryan is Digital Marketing Strategist at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Show Notes

  • 01:44
    Leveraging ChatGPT for world building
    By incorporating ChatGPT into Web 3.0 experiences, brands can create immersive and self-contained experiences within their own digital environments. In this environment, expert answers originate from the brand, eliminating the need for users to leave the platform for information.
  • 04:06
    Personalization vs. world building
    Whereas personalization is concerned with URL behavior, world-building takes personalization to the next dimension, adapting in real-time. It takes into account in-app behavior, questions, purchases, and historical data, creating a multi-dimensional level of customization.
  • 06:03
    The evolving landscape of organic search
    There's potential for more than just a simple list of URLs in the future with Google integrating more content into SERPs. Businesses will still need to leverage organic search, but the landscape may evolve, potentially reducing the need for users to click into websites.
  • 08:17
    Preparing for the impact of AI on SERPs
    Organizations should stay updated on emerging technologies, monitor trends in bigger tech, and seek opportunities to adapt and leverage new features. Being proactive and identifying unexplored avenues can give organizations an advantage in the evolving search landscape.
  • 10:03
    The influence of AI and world building on small businesses
    Many of these businesses, especially those with outdated websites, are not prepared for such advancements. However, brands of the future will have to focus on selling experiences to remain competitive, and leveraging this technology to keep people within their environments.
  • 11:34
    Large and established brands leveraging world building to drive brand loyalty
    These brands will leverage world-building technology to keep consumers within their own environments and prevent them from bouncing to other sites. This approach will drive more direct sales and build customer relationships by replicating an in-store experience digitally.
  • 13:38
    The impact of world building and AI on SEO roles
    SEO professionals must evolve into web consultants, incorporating CRO, SEM, and trend analysis into their skill set. Beyond keywords, it will come down to business owners being able to trust your decision-making and guidance around these emerging technologies.


  • "Current search comes down to Google trying to find the most relevant answer with intent. With ChatGPT, I can ensure that within my own search environment, the expert answer always comes from my brand." - Ryan Bertollini

  • "In a world where you can buy anything you want, anywhere you want, it's going to come down to selling experiences." - Ryan Bertollini

  • "The SEO professional today needs to expand into an SEO, CRO, SEM specialist." - Ryan Bertollini

  • "World building is an opportunity for brands to pull back some direct sales and establish that customer relationship you would get in person had you walked into a store." - Ryan Bertollini

  • "For a long time, I likened SEOs to web doctors, where the prescription was adding two keywords and waiting a month. Now, SEOs must be web consultants, focusing on how their website and brand appears across channels." - Ryan Bertollini

About the speaker

Ryan Bertollini

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

 is a little camera shy

Ryan is Digital Marketing Strategist at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

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