Leveraging Image Optimization in your holistic SEO strategy

Head of SEO at Alamy, Roxana Stingu, discusses leveraging image optimization in your holistic SEO strategy. In this episode, Roxana shares her perspective on: strategies outside the pragmatic strategy to help grow and scale SEO, whether images are a hindrance or benefit to SEO efforts, what criteria marketers should use in thinking of images from an user perspective, and how to navigate measurement and performance.
About the speaker

Roxana Stingu


 - Alamy

Roxana is Head of SEO at Alamy

Show Notes

  • 05:00
    Integrating SEO best practices into the content creation process
    Discussing the importance of incorporating SEO strategies during the content creation process to ensure the production of search engine-friendly content.
  • 10:00
    Key SEO factors for content teams to consider
    Exploring the essential SEO factors that content teams should keep in mind when developing their content strategies.
  • 15:00
    Optimizing website structure for improved visibility and user experience
    Discussing how content teams can enhance their website structure to boost search engine visibility and improve user experience.
  • 20:00
    Creating content that targets high volume keywords
    A discussion on the strategies for creating content that targets high-volume keywords to increase website traffic and visibility.


  • “Alamy has a collection of almost 400 million images and videos now, and that spans five websites in different languages.” - Roxana Stingu

  • “Users should be able to see the image and then immediately find the text that kind of explains why the image is there.” - Roxana Stingu

  • “The more you match your images with the aspect ratio of the place you want your images to show up, the easier it's going to be for search engines to pick them up and place them there.” - Roxana Stingu

  • “The tools we measure SEO by in general are not the same ones we should use for images.” - Roxana Stingu

  • “In a grid of five by five, you want to rank third to actually be first.” - Roxana Stingu

About the speaker

Roxana Stingu


 - Alamy

Roxana is Head of SEO at Alamy

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