Leveraging YouTube to improve SEO — Matt Tompkins // Two Brothers Creative/Midwest Mindset Podcast

Matt Tompkins, Owner of Two Brothers Creative, delves into SEO strategies for organic social growth. While many consider YouTube as an entertainment hub, it is often overlooked as a tool to bolster SEO efforts. However, by applying SEO techniques from written content to videos, you can improve your visibility in both YouTube and Google search results. Today, Matt discusses how you can leverage YouTube to improve your SEO.
About the speaker

Matt Tompkins

Two Brothers Creative

 - Two Brothers Creative

Matt is Owner of Two Brothers Creative

Midwest Mindset Podcast

Show Notes

  • 02:15
    Leveraging YouTube for SEO improvement
    YouTube is underutilized in SEO, even though it offers the potential for quick wins when YouTube videos are incorporated in your SEO strategy. By optimizing video content with SEO techniques, you can rank well on YouTube and even appear in Google searches.
  • 04:01
    Maximizing YouTube growth with a balanced content strategy
    Utilizing YouTube shorts for niche-specific engagement and longer videos for higher overall engagement can lead to a rapid growth in views and subscribers. Additionally, repurposing video content as audio doubles your SEO output.
  • 06:20
    Combining video and written content for SEO
    The most effective strategy is to create both video and written content. Video supports and boosts written content. Repurpose blog articles into videos with AI and animated titles to streamline the process while maintaining the same SEO elements.
  • 08:43
    Using AI tools to streamline video production
    To lower video editing costs, there are user-friendly video editing platforms available, such as Descript, Semrush's AI video creator, and Opus. These tools allow you to easily convert blog articles into videos without the need for extensive production resources.
  • 11:50
    Leveraging SEO techniques for video content success in search results
    The same SEO techniques used for written content can be applied to video content. This includes ensuring your website has a video sitemap, adding transcripts to videos on your website and YouTube, and incorporating keywords within the video, description, and the title.


  • "You can make some quick wins and gains simply by incorporating videos on YouTube into your SEO strategy. You can leapfrog 100 search results simply by having a video, and a lot of competitors just aren't doing it." - Matt Tompkins

  • "It makes sense to do video and audio. You get incredible growth opportunities on YouTube with video, and you can easily export it as audio, doubling your SEO output per video podcast episode." - Matt Tompkins

  • "If you're going to create a blog article and do all the SEO research, just translate that over into video form using AI or self-hosted videos with animated titles to streamline the process." - Matt Tompkins

  • "Diligently apply the same SEO research and actions you do with written content to video." - Matt Tompkins

About the speaker

Matt Tompkins

Two Brothers Creative

 - Two Brothers Creative

Matt is Owner of Two Brothers Creative

Midwest Mindset Podcast

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