Local SEO vs enterprise ecommerce SEO — Donna Donahue // Antylia Scientific

Donna Donahue, Search Engine Optimization Specialist at Antylia Scientific, explores local and enterprise SEO strategies and stakeholder engagement. When comparing local SEO and enterprise e-commerce SEO, it's evident that both share some foundational principles. However, they diverge significantly in their focus and strategies. Today, Donna discusses local SEO vs. enterprise eCommerce SEO
About the speaker

Donna Donahue

Antylia Scientific

 is a little camera shy

Donna is Search Engine Optimization Specialist at Antylia Scientific

  • Part 1 Local SEO vs enterprise ecommerce SEO — Donna Donahue // Antylia Scientific

Show Notes


  • "You can't just rely on tools like Ahrefs and Semrush; sometimes, small but relevant backlinks are valuable." - Donna Donahue

  • "In local SEO, high authority domains are not as relevant. Google sees local relevance as authoritative." - Donna Donahue

  • "When dealing with millions of pages, you have to use templated content. Work with the developers to help them determine what that templated content is going to look like and what is going to be best practice." - Donna Donahue

  • "Transitioning from a small to a large site poses unique challenges. Nuances require patience and collaboration with developers." - Donna Donahue

  • "Even though we have AI now, I don't think any of us are in any danger of losing our jobs, because as long as there's Google, we're going to have jobs." - Donna Donahue

  • Part 1 Local SEO vs enterprise ecommerce SEO — Donna Donahue // Antylia Scientific
About the speaker

Donna Donahue

Antylia Scientific

 is a little camera shy

Donna is Search Engine Optimization Specialist at Antylia Scientific

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    Part 1Local SEO vs enterprise ecommerce SEO — Donna Donahue // Antylia Scientific

    Donna Donahue, Search Engine Optimization Specialist at Antylia Scientific, explores local and enterprise SEO strategies and stakeholder engagement. When comparing local SEO and enterprise e-commerce SEO, it's evident that both share some foundational principles. However, they diverge significantly in their focus and strategies. Today, Donna discusses local SEO vs. enterprise eCommerce SEO