Getting everyone involved in SEO — Kavi Kardos // Uproer

Kavi Kardos, Director of SEO at Uproer, explores strategies for success in the SEO industry. Every person in your organization, whether they interact with customers or create content, plays a role in your website, and thus, in SEO. They all have valuable contributions to offer to the organization's SEO strategy, as a result, SEO needs to be baked into the organization’s DNA. Today, Kavi discusses getting everyone involved in SEO.
About the speaker

Kavi Kardos


 is a little camera shy

Kavi is Director of SEO at Uproer

Show Notes

  • 02:06
    Getting the entire organization involved in SEO
    Everyone in the organization, not just the SEO department, is involved in SEO due to their reliance on the website for various purposes. As a result, they all have input that is valuable to the person executing the SEO strategy.
  • 04:07
    SEO education within organizations
    Education is key to getting the entire organization involved in SEO efforts, as most team members may have an outdated understanding of SEO. Presentations from the SEO department and SEO availability to answer questions can help ingrain SEO in the organization's DNA.
  • 07:00
    Tactics for improving SEO awareness and understanding in an organization
    It's essential to have ongoing conversations with various teams and translate SEO concepts into language that appeals to each team's focus. Joining other team meetings and offering insights on how SEO can get involved also helps these other teams better understand SEO.
  • 11:24
    Dispelling the notion of SEO being a black box
    SEO has evolved into focusing on providing valuable content and answering user questions. Helping organizations understand this shift and emphasizing the core principle of giving users what they want can dispel misconceptions about SEO and foster better alignment within the organization.
  • 15:36
    Identifying and leveraging SEO evangelists within teams
    Identifying individuals within your organization who are SEO enthusiasts and sharing your knowledge with them can be extremely valuable. These SEO evangelists can help disseminate SEO knowledge and enthusiasm to their teams more effectively.
  • 17:21
    Educating your organization on SEO through SEO related events
    Sharing your SEO-related achievements, such as blogs, speaking gigs at conferences, or being featured in podcasts, with your team can help foster support and enthusiasm for SEO. This is another opportunity to build credibility and excitement for SEO within your organization.
  • 18:01
    Fostering SEO involvement across the organization through empathy
    The key to successful SEO involvement across an organization is empathy. Understanding your coworkers' concerns and framing SEO discussions in a way that aligns with their goals and needs is essential for effective communication and collaboration.


  • "Everyone at the organization is somehow involved in your website, which means everyone at your organization is involved in SEO." - Kavi Kardos

  • "Knowing how to translate the concepts in SEO into the language of the developer, or the product team, or the customer service team is really important." - Kavi Kardos

  • "Keep your eyes open for your SEO evangelists within teams. Getting those people on your side is so important because they will then take that enthusiasm and that knowledge back to their team." - Kavi Kardos

About the speaker

Kavi Kardos


 is a little camera shy

Kavi is Director of SEO at Uproer

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