Managing successful DTC SEO projects

Jason Berkowitz, Founder and SEO Director at Break the Web, delves into SEO management at DTC companies. While the fundamental frameworks of SEO remain consistent, nuances in content style, research methods, and data analysis tools vary significantly between DTC and B2B markets. Unlike B2B endeavors, DTC SEO projects require a tailored approach, particularly in tasks related to voice, branding, and content strategy across different stages of the funnel. Today, Jason discusses managing successful DTC SEO projects.
About the speaker

Jason Berkowitz

Break the Web

 is a little camera shy

Jason is Founder and SEO Director at Break the Web

Show Notes

  • 01:27
    Factors to consider in successfully managing DTC SEO projects
    While the framework of what works and what doesnt in SEO remains largely the same, execution works differently in DTC vs. B2B. Differences include content execution, in terms of voice and branding, and the tools used for data analysis and research.
  • 02:55
    Stakeholder management in DTC SEO projects
    Prioritize understanding the key objectives and KPIs of other departments. Collaborate to align SEO goals with their KPIs, ensuring a mutual win-win situation that considers user experience, conversions, and technical functionality.
  • 04:52
    Addressing misalignments in SEO
    Misalignment occurs more often when collaborating with third-party agencies. While agencies are more resistant to fixing issues, in-house teams and freelancers are typically more open to discussion and more flexible regarding their recommendations.
  • 09:01
    Addressing negative perceptions of SEO agencies
    Negative perceptions of SEO often stem from past bad experiences with agencies, leading to skepticism. Bridging the gap between delivering results and effective communication is crucial for rebuilding trust and fostering positive client-agency relationships in the SEO industry.
  • 11:19
    The role of communication in SEO success
    Possessing both technical skills and effective communication abilities is crucial for continual growth and success. Having client-facing team members with strong communication skills helps translate technical SEO concepts into understandable language for non-SEO stakeholders.
  • 13:17
    SEO communication strategies for introverts
    Stepping out of your comfort zone and improving communication skills can enhance your career and SEO success. Utilize available resources like training materials and YouTube videos to develop better communication skills, starting with small steps and gradually expanding.
  • 14:53
    Critical communication points in a DTC SEO project
    Early communication is vital to address potential buyer's remorse and ensure alignment between the client and the SEO team. Quarterly updates and check-ins help maintain alignment, manage expectations, and address any concerns to prevent dissatisfaction.
  • 16:41
    Balancing communication with clients in DTC SEO projects
    Break the Web checks in with clients monthly for feedback on the frequency and content of their communication. The key is to ask clients what theyd prefer and adjust based on their preferences, regularly checking in to ensure all parties are satisfied throughout the project.
  • 18:22
    Leveraging QBRs for client feedback on SEO projects
    Break the Web facilitates communication about the project's progress and client satisfaction during QBRs. These sessions include questions about the client's experience, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement, aiming for transparency and open dialogue.
  • 20:31
    Empowering clients during SEO projects
    During sales calls, Break the Web asks clients about their frustrations with SEO to guide communication and solve their problems. By addressing their concerns, and equipping them with tools to track SEO effectively and report internally, clients become the heroes of their SEO journey.
  • 24:32
    Tips for managing successful SEO projects
    Document everything, establish good workflows, prioritize clear communication, and foster collaboration between all stakeholders. Understand and empathize with the goals of others involved, ensuring alignment, mutual benefit, and shared success.


  • "Don't compromise UX, conversion, or tech for SEO. To collaborate effectively, understand the priorities and KPIs of other departments outside SEO, and align them with ours for mutual success." - Jason Berkowitz

  • "There are two different types of SEO agencies; some that are exceptional at delivering great results, but they suck at communication. Then, you have other SEO agencies that are great at communication, but suck at SEO." - Jason Berkowitz

  • "Leaving your comfort zone will help you professionally with your SEO career. There are millions of training resources and great YouTube videos available to be a better communicator." - Jason Berkowitz

  • "The more you reassure clients, lay out a plan of attack, manage expectations, and show the roadmap of what's going to take place, can help reduce buyer's remorse and ensure alignment on SEO projects." - Jason Berkowitz

  • "When SEO wins, everyone wins. If our point of contact wins, and they get promoted, they may go to another job with a higher seniority and bring us with them, which is a great source of new business for agencies." - Jason Berkowitz

About the speaker

Jason Berkowitz

Break the Web

 is a little camera shy

Jason is Founder and SEO Director at Break the Web

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