Rethinking SEO Content Strategy pt. 1 — Loren McKechnie // Palo Alto Networks

Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO at Palo Alto Networks, talks about rethinking SEO content strategy. To create a successful SEO content strategy, it's important to rethink the traditional funnel and instead see it as a journey with your customer. This requires a focus on micro-conversions and creating valuable content at each step of the way. Today, Loren discusses enterprise SEO content strategy.
About the speaker

Loren McKechnie

Palo Alto Networks

 - Palo Alto Networks

Loren is Head of SEO at Palo Alto Networks

Show Notes

  • 02:22
    The role of SEO
    The role of SEO is to act as a translator between customers and companies, identifying their desires and queries through keyword analysis, and conveying them to the companies. Alongside this, having a business mindset is crucial for effective performance in this role.
  • 03:45
    The traditional approach to content strategy
    The traditional approach involves focusing on the product and its features. However, effective SEO involves aligning our content strategy with how people search and taking into account the customer's needs and desires as the center of the strategy.
  • 05:46
    Challenging the standard content funnel approach in SEO strategy
    This approach is flawed because it assumes a linear path toward conversion. Instead, a more effective approach is to view the journey as a mountain with micro-conversions along the way and to use targeted content to bring customers along on that journey.
  • 09:21
    Understanding the customer journey in SEO
    It's important to think like your customer when creating a website, but it's not always easy. You want your website to feel like the best resource for them and guide them toward seeing your products as the best solution for their problems.
  • 10:19
    What influenced Lorens unique approach to the standard content funnel
    Loren grew up in a family of psychologists which shaped his interest in understanding how people think. Likewise, his experience in sales and Robert Cialdinis Presuasion also contributed to his understanding of what customers want and how they make buying decisions.
  • 15:08
    The importance of pre sales content in enterprise decision making
    In an enterprise, decisions are often made before contacting the sales team. As a result, its crucial to have content that supports the customer's decision-making process beforehand and this is where social video plays a vital role.
  • 16:05
    Leveraging first party data for an effective enterprise content strategy
    Big enterprises have an advantage in terms of having a good brand, social sentiment, and lots of backlinks. However, leveraging first-party data for market analysis and providing insights to the media can boost an enterprise's content strategy and improve its brand's visibility.
  • 18:22
    Understanding the role of machine learning in search engine algorithms
    While search engine algorithms rely heavily on machine learning, they use human-supervised machine learning to refine user experience and refine search queries. Ultimately, creating a winning user experience is essential for generating traffic.
  • 20:43
    AIs impact on content production
    Collaboration is key in SEO, as AI cannot replace the insights gained from human perspectives and experiences. While AI can aid in content analysis and optimization, a holistic approach that addresses customer needs and preferences at every step is necessary for a seamless content journey.


  • "I call SEO a translation role because we translate the customer's desires, queries, and things they're interested in, and translate it to the companies that we work for." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "If we're spending time blogging and talking about our releases and new features, there's a lot of opportunity cost there if the strategy doesn't align with how people search." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "I think almost everything that we do in digital marketing has an element of pre-suasion." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "Enterprise decisions are made before they contact the sales team, so the content should support the micro-decisions made before communication." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "Social video is now on 90% of the sales experience." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "As one of those leading companies, you have the ability to get on mass media, to get interviewed on television, backlinks, etc, and that is the fuel for the entire content marketing industry." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "If you can figure out a way to analyze or even micro-analyze by market, threat type, etc, and you can bring that to market, it will boost your enterprise content strategy." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "At the end of the day, you have to create the winning experience if you want to get the traffic." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

  • "SEO is a team sport. The CEO, the guy or girl who appears on the news, the press release, the PR team, sales team, every single person has the ability to do something that influences SEO." -Loren McKechnie, Head of SEO, Palo Alto Networks

About the speaker

Loren McKechnie

Palo Alto Networks

 - Palo Alto Networks

Loren is Head of SEO at Palo Alto Networks

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