The power of content with SEO — Lorenz Esposito // SearchX

Lorenz Esposito, Founder of SearchX, delves into preparing for SEO’s evolution. While it's easier than ever for small businesses to create a website, they often overlook the strategic incorporation of SEO content. Knowing what potential customers are searching for, understanding their pain points, and positioning the business as the solution through purposeful content creation is key. Today, Lorenz discusses the power of content with SEO.
About the speaker

Lorenz Esposito


 is a little camera shy

Lorenz is Founder of SearchX

Show Notes

  • 01:47
    Small businesses and SEO content
    Small businesses often lack an understanding of the value of SEO content when establishing an online presence. As a result, they miss the opportunity to create blog content that positions the business as an authority in its industry and for lead generation.
  • 04:14
    Creating a local content strategy for your market
    Develop your content strategy based on the market in terms of what people will be searching for. Capitalize on opportunities to feature other local businesses in your content, demonstrating to both visitors and search engines that your business is active within the local market.
  • 06:27
    Local SEO in a rapidly changing Google landscape
    When aiming to get into the map pack, consider the physical location of the business and target surrounding communities. In addition, stay up to date with new Google My Business features and new developments in the local landscape to adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • 09:22
    Navigating content volume and cadence with small businesses
    This involves setting realistic expectations, emphasizing the need for patience, and aligning strategies with client budgets. For SearchX, a content cadence of six blogs a month is the sweet spot, but budgets vary and smaller budgets result in slower progress.
  • 12:01
    Reviewing and optimizing Service and About Us pages
    SearchX checks these pages at least once a quarter to ensure they are ranking well and to identify areas for improvement. Depending on the ranking, they either optimize with fresh content or tweak existing strong pages, supporting them with targeted blog content.
  • 13:52
    SearchX and small business SEO
    SearchX targets small businesses because of the satisfaction of helping local businesses grow with SEO, even with limited budgets. They employ creative techniques such as targeting long search queries with zero search volume and untapped areas that larger companies overlook.
  • 16:02
    The future of small business SEO
    Regardless of the industry, SEO is a need to have and businesses will need to leverage AI and automation tools to speed up processes and gain a competitive edge. Small businesses will have to start leveraging these tools to become more competitive in their industries.


  • "Blogs are house party invites. By having good, individual topics, you're extending the invite out to hundreds of thousands of people to come to your party." - Lorenz Esposito

  • "Youre creating blog content to acquire new customers. But, you're also showing the search engines that you're a topical authority in this space and the solution that people can use in whatever market you might be in." - Lorenz Esposito

  • "In SEO, the smaller the budget, the smaller the content production and the cadence. What you could see in three months on a ramped-up strategy, you might not see until nine months down the road." - Lorenz Esposito

  • "Small businesses will need to start leveraging AI and automation tools because they can't make up 20 years of experience or 20 years of having a domain. But they can speed up the process with certain software." - Lorenz Esposito

About the speaker

Lorenz Esposito


 is a little camera shy

Lorenz is Founder of SearchX

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