Executing your SEO Strategies — Brandon Schakola //Overstock

Brandon Schakola, Sr. Director of SEO at Overstock, discusses SEO strategy. SEO is not a standalone activity and buy-in is required from several teams to get any traction on your SEO initiatives. Essentially, rather than simply pitching a strategy to the executives, it’s the responsibility of an SEO to involve the different stakeholder groups throughout the development of the SEO strategy to secure buy-in. Today, Brandon talks about executing an SEO strategy.
About the speaker

Brandon Schakola


 is a little camera shy

Brandon is the Sr. Director of SEO at Overstock

Show Notes

  • 02:35
    Communicating an SEO strategy within an organization
    As youre developing your SEO strategy you should constantly be in communication with stakeholders to get buy-in. This can be achieved through cross-functional one on ones and data meetings with executives to get people excited about the strategy.
  • 07:42
    Balancing involvement with giving directions to different stakeholder groups
    Different stakeholder groups need to feel like they have an equal part to play in the strategy. It boils down to understanding what each teams priorities are and knowing which metrics to monitor for success.
  • 12:00
    Prioritizing initiatives and the organization of workflows
    Its best to start with initiatives with the biggest impact that are more likely to be successful. Also, ensure that your strategy has buffers built in to accommodate any Google changes or updates so that you can communicate this to executives.
  • 18:04
    Best practices for communicating negative impact on SEO initiatives
    Whether its positive or negative, you should always be communicating any impacts on your initiatives within the organization. Present solutions to the impacts and updated timelines to increase the credibility and integrity of the SEO function.
  • 24:51
    Educating executives and different stakeholders about SEO
    Its an SEOs job to figure out how to educate all relevant parties within the organization on SEO. Its important that this education happens at all the different levels to ensure all stakeholders are aligned with your SEO strategy.


  • "At the enterprise level of SEO, you have to get people excited. And, most people at this level want to be excited about something. And that's something is usually growth." -Brandon Schakola, Sr. Director of SEO, Overstock

  • "Understand what the priorities of your different stakeholder groups are. They may have conflicting metrics and knowing when to say which metric is going to make your success happen." -Brandon Schakola, Sr. Director of SEO, Overstock

  • "If you're just starting out in an organization, oftentimes the quick wins help to build confidence. So, you might worry about those first." -Brandon Schakola, Sr. Director of SEO, Overstock

  • "You need to give yourself the space to communicate changes in the middle of your strategy. You always have to have that 30% to 40% Google can do something that changes how we get there." -Brandon Schakola, Sr. Director of SEO, Overstock

  • "Look at impact even in small testing, over a four to six week period. You never know what algorithm update you're in and what's going to skew the numbers." -Brandon Schakola, Sr. Director of SEO, Overstock

About the speaker

Brandon Schakola


 is a little camera shy

Brandon is the Sr. Director of SEO at Overstock

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