The keys to generative search engine optimization (GEO)

Lisa Kubatzki, from GetResponse, discusses the keys to generative search engine optimization (GEO). She explores how leveraging GEO can significantly enhance online visibility and user engagement. Lisa provides insights into effective strategies for integrating generative techniques into traditional SEO frameworks.
About the speaker

Lisa Kubatzki


 - GetResponse

Lisa is SEO Specialist at GetResponse

Show Notes

  • 01:30
    Differences between SEO translation and SEO localization.
    The conversation explores how translating content for SEO differs from localizing it to fit cultural contexts and user behaviors in different regions.
  • 04:50
    Introduction to generative search engine optimization (GEO).
    Discussing the emergence of GEO and its impact on traditional SEO practices, highlighting the need for adaptation in strategies.
  • 08:10
    Rethinking KPIs and metrics for SEO in the age of AI.
    The discussion focuses on the inadequacy of traditional SEO metrics in the era of AI and generative search, suggesting a shift towards more qualitative "soft metrics."
  • 12:20
    Importance of off page SEO and content distribution strategies.
    Emphasizing the need to focus on off-page SEO tactics such as getting mentioned, quoted, and shared across various platforms to build authority and compensate for traffic losses.
  • 15:45
    The role of statistics, citations, and quotations in SEO visibility.
    A study from Princeton University is mentioned, which identifies these elements as crucial for improving visibility in generative search environments.


  • "We live in exciting times as SEOs and content managers with AI overviews and now soon search GPT is emerging. " - Lisa Kubatzki

  • "With these large language models and generative search engines emerging, our old KPIs in SEO don't work anymore. We have to rethink metrics." - Lisa Kubatzki

  • "There has been a study by Princeton University, actually, and they meant to find out what key factors in SEO would play a role to appear in like SGE or AI overviews. And the big three they found out were statistics, citations, quotations." - Lisa Kubatzki

  • "Of course, you should still create content, but you should really think about how to distribute that content. And I'm thinking about getting mentioned, getting quoted, getting your content shared and just being visible on more platforms than just Google." - Lisa Kubatzki

  • “The user's decision to buy is really influenced by what they know about your brand, obviously. And by building your brand, also socially, really having a footprint as a brand, I think it will become essential in maintaining a stable revenue flow as well.” - Lisa Kubatzki

  • One big thing about this rise of AI and this AI hype, I think, is also that people are starting to look more for authenticity. - Lisa Kubatzki

About the speaker

Lisa Kubatzki


 - GetResponse

Lisa is SEO Specialist at GetResponse

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