Teaching AI to write in your tone — Julia McCoy // Content at Scale

Julia Mccoy, President of Content at Scale, delves into AI-driven copywriting. Technology has reached a level where it can mimic a human in the content creation process. Yet, generalized solutions like ChatGPT are unable to produce content in a specialized tone of voice which is crucial for producing content that embodies our brand’s voice and resonates with human beings. Today, Julia discusses how to teach AI to write in your tone.
About the speaker

Julia McCoy

Content at Scale

 - Content at Scale

Julia is President of Content at Scale

Show Notes

  • 02:05
    Julias transition into the AI content space
    Initially a doubter of AIs ability to replace human writers, Julias perspective shifted after discovering Content at Scale, a solution that generates original undetectable content. This led her to join the startup, quickly rising from VP of Marketing to President in a year.
  • 04:32
    Teaching AI to write in your tone
    Content at Scale features an AI training lab where users can input their 100% original content to train the software to match their unique style. Enhancing content with personal experiences is recommended to distinguish it from similar topics.
  • 06:48
    Tailoring style guides for human writers vs. AI
    AI benefits from simpler style guides and surpasses humans in reliability due to consistent training. Prompt-free tools like Content at Scale enable project setup, training, and gradual accuracy improvement in mimicking a user's voice.
  • 09:44
    Content output from generalized vs. specialized AI models
    While models like ChatGPT offer vast possibilities, their output lacks accuracy and a specific tone of voice due to their generalized nature. Specialized tools like Content at Scale offer more consistent and accurate outputs within a specific set of parameters.
  • 12:21
    Choosing between writers, ChatGPT, and specialized AI tools for content creation
    The choice depends on the goal of the content. Rather than using AI as a quick fix, prioritize human-like content that replicates the brand's voice and makes an impact on humans interacting with the content.
  • 15:23
    Pricing differences between human writers and AI content tools
    While ChatGPT is the cheapest option at $20 a month, theres the risk of generic content output. Content at Scale offers a good middle ground at a penny per word, requiring minimal human editing, and enabling faster, cost-effective content creation compared to human-written articles.


  • "I never believed that AI or GPT would replace what I did for a living because of the nuanced nature of creating and selling content to clients. But, in 2023, it's projected that 100 million writing jobs will become obsolete." - Julia Mccoy

  • "You can train AI, but you also still want to humanly optimize that content and add in your personal experience because that is what makes content stand apart from the sea of similar topics out there." - Julia Mccoy

  • "We need to think about AI content production in a way that saves us time and gets us better output. Otherwise, it just makes sense to keep doing it humanly." - Julia Mccoy

  • "With just two extra hours a week, an SEO or project manager can leverage AI to produce two amazing articles. This boost minimizes the need for a large writer workforce, ensuring great content output with fewer resources." - Julia Mccoy

  • "You could go completely human-free, trust AI to do everything and go for the cheap option. But then, are you even getting content that helps your brand at all?" - Julia Mccoy

About the speaker

Julia McCoy

Content at Scale

 - Content at Scale

Julia is President of Content at Scale

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