Managing SEO across multiple language markets

William Sigsworth, SEO Manager at Pipedrive, discusses managing SEO across multiple language markets. In this episode, William shares his perspectives on defining SEO cannibalization and its significance for SEO operators, common causes and identification of SEO cannibalization within websites, strategies to prevent content duplication and its role in SEO cannibalization, impact of conflicting internal linking structures on SEO performance, and conducting a comprehensive audit for keyword overlap in SEO.
About the speaker

William Sigsworth


 - Pipedrive

William is the Head of SEO at Pipedrive

Show Notes

  • 03:10
    Defining SEO cannibalization and its significance for SEO operators.
    SEO cannibalization is explained as the detrimental impact of having multiple similar keywords or content that compete against each other, reducing the effectiveness of SEO strategies.
  • 07:45
    Common causes and identification of SEO cannibalization within websites.
    The discussion covers how SEO operators can detect SEO cannibalization through analytics and the importance of strategic keyword usage to prevent internal competition.
  • 12:30
    Strategies to prevent content duplication and its role in SEO cannibalization.
    The conversation focuses on the use of unique content creation and the implementation of canonical tags to manage and mitigate content duplication issues.
  • 17:50
    Impact of conflicting internal linking structures on SEO performance.
    It is discussed how disorganized internal linking can lead to SEO cannibalization and the steps that can be taken to streamline linking practices for better SEO outcomes.
  • 22:05
    Conducting a comprehensive audit for keyword overlap in SEO.
    Techniques and tools for auditing a website to identify keyword cannibalization are discussed, along with strategies to realign content for optimal SEO visibility.


  • "We don't always go for every market; we haven't got optimized content in every language." - William Sigsworth

  • "Be patient, don't be myopic, spread your focus across all those pages." - William Sigsworth

  • "There's no point in going into a market without understanding it." - William Sigsworth

  • "The markets that we're not in currently, they're unlikely to be that highly competitive." - William Sigsworth

  • keywords make sense around the world. So as long as you've got a correct translation of a keyword, a translation that that market uses, more often than not, it will be something that ranks.ā€ - William Sigsworth

  • if you've done the right things, the numbers will come.ā€ - William Sigsworth

About the speaker

William Sigsworth


 - Pipedrive

William is the Head of SEO at Pipedrive

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