Unique challenges of being a Fortune 500 SEO — Jason Reid // Quest Diagnostics

Jason Reid, SEO and Location Management Specialist at Quest Diagnostics, talks about SEO strategies in a changing macro environment from the perspective of a Fortune 500 SEO. Enterprise SEO presents a set of unique challenges stemming from its scale and complexity. One major challenge is the often inadequate staffing for SEO within large organizations. Today, Jason discusses the unique challenges of being a Fortune 500 SEO.
About the speaker

Jason Reid

Quest Diagnostics

 is a little camera shy

Jason is SEO and Location Management Specialist at Quest Diagnostics

Show Notes

  • 02:12
    An overview of Quest Diagnostics
    Quest Diagnostics, a leading US lab company, serves approximately one in three Americans and 50% of physicians nationwide each year. Its large enterprise status brings distinct SEO opportunities and challenges.
  • 03:09
    Challenges in enterprise SEO
    Challenges include insufficient SEO staff in relation to the organizations size, varying levels of SEO maturity throughout the company, and competing executive priorities. Additionally, a lack of sufficient development resources can often overshadow day-to-day SEO optimization concerns.
  • 04:51
    Opportunities for in house SEOs in enterprises
    The challenge of being the sole SEO in an enterprise is the desire to assist everyone while avoiding the deprioritization of their tasks. Yet, it offers the opportunity to focus on impactful initiatives that influence a company's trajectory and peoples lives and see the results of those initiatives.
  • 06:38
    Efficient data management in enterprise SEO
    Condensing rankings, traffic, and landing page data into clear, concise reports for the marketing team is critical due to the sheer data volume. The goal is to meet colleagues at their level of SEO understanding and transform data into a compelling story.
  • 08:32
    Managing SEO priorities in large enterprises
    When managing SEO requests from various teams within a large enterprise as the only in-house SEO, the key is to educate people on the value of improving the overall domain authority. This improvement has a trickle-down effect, positively impacting their section or page authority.
  • 10:21
    Effective management of diverse stakeholder interests in enterprise SEO
    Quest's customer-facing teams are divided into four personas, each with a dedicated SEO dashboard for key insights. SEO holds quarterly meetings with these teams to keep up with their priorities and identify opportunities to assist in achieving their goals.
  • 14:39
    Managing SEO setbacks in an enterprise organization
    To manage situations like negative impact from a core update, early and honest communication is key. Building relationships, providing clear explanations, and setting expectations, can help stakeholders better receive these messages and navigate through difficulties effectively.


  • "A lot of these enterprise companies don't have the optimal amount of SEO staff. I'm a team of one, within a marketing team of roughly 100 people, in a company of roughly 50,000 people." - Jason Reid

  • "In enterprise, data's abundant but resources are scarce. Condensing SEO data into concise snippets for marketing is vital." - Jason Reid

  • "When it comes to SEO setbacks, early communication is key to setting expectations and guiding people through frustrating or challenging periods." - Jason Reid

About the speaker

Jason Reid

Quest Diagnostics

 is a little camera shy

Jason is SEO and Location Management Specialist at Quest Diagnostics

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