Unlocking organic traffic growth for global success — Flo Guerrouani // Cushman & Wakefield

Flo Guerrouani, Global Senior SEO Lead at Cushman & Wakefield, talks about optimizing SEO for global expansion. When you're the sole SEO specialist in a global organization, optimizing SEO for global expansion is a multifaceted endeavor. Education becomes paramount, especially when managing diverse stakeholders with varying levels of digital marketing expertise. Today, Flo discusses unlocking organic traffic growth for global success.
About the speaker

Flo Guerrouani

Cushman & Wakefield

 - Cushman & Wakefield

Flo is Global Senior SEO Lead at Cushman & Wakefield

Show Notes

  • 01:58
    How to drive organic growth for global success
    Develop a strong SEO strategy, focusing on bigger markets with higher revenue potential and areas for technical and content improvement. Conduct market research, keyword research, and localization to understand local search behavior and adapt to specific market preferences.
  • 05:38
    What makes Cushman & Wakefields unique from an SEO standpoint
    Cushman & Wakefield is a global leader in commercial real estate services, operating in around 60 countries, over 25 languages, with over 400 offices worldwide. The website's complexity lies in its extensive content for each region, country, and language, posing both challenges and opportunities for SEO.
  • 07:15
    How Cushman & Wakefield prioritize markets for SEO opportunities
    To handle the complexity of different markets and regions, Cushman & Wakefield focuses on the local level. When prioritizing markets for SEO improvements, they consider factors like business interest, data on search volumes, and the size of the market and its property offerings.
  • 12:03
    Driving innovation and organic growth via AI and stakeholder education
    Content writers and those outside the marketing function leverage AI to create content and discover new topics. Moreover, educating colleagues who are less familiar with SEO on tips, and best practices, ultimately contributes to innovative approaches for organic growth.
  • 15:44
    Educating stakeholders at different levels of digital marketing maturity
    As an in-house SEO at a global organization, you encounter diverse stakeholders with varying digital marketing expertise. Educating stakeholders across all digital marketing aspects is vital to garner their support in achieving long-term organic traffic and business growth.


  • "When you work for a big company with an international website covering over 60 countries, over 25 languages, across three regions, the main thing to do as an in-house SEO is to prioritize with a very strong SEO strategy." - Flo Guerrouani

  • "When you're the only person doing SEO for a global organization, working with hundreds of stakeholders, at different levels of digital marketing, there are a lot of education pieces you have to do." - Flo Guerrouani

  • "As SEOs, we help different peers and departments think differently about SEO. We help them understand how things can be done efficiently and for free." - Flo Guerrouani

About the speaker

Flo Guerrouani

Cushman & Wakefield

 - Cushman & Wakefield

Flo is Global Senior SEO Lead at Cushman & Wakefield

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