UX + SEO’s impact on optimization strategy — Shae Bourdeaux // Vivint Smart Home

Shae Bourdeaux, Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home, explores optimizing digital content strategy with UX, SEO, and data metrics. The days of relying solely on keyword-stuffed content to achieve high rankings are long gone. Now, it's crucial to strike a balance between content optimization and a user-friendly experience by diversifying the elements that enhance the overall user experience. Today, Shae discusses UX and SEO’s impact on optimization strategy.
About the speaker

Shae Bourdeaux

Vivint Smart Home

 is a little camera shy

Shae is Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home

Show Notes

  • 04:14
    The impact of UX and SEO on optimization strategy
    Aligning SEO and UX is vital, given Google's addition of "experience" to its E-E-A-T guidelines. SEOs and UX teams must collaborate to create web pages that rank well while providing the best possible user experience through diverse, easily digestible content that meets users' expectations.
  • 09:48
    Components Google prioritizes for rankings and user experience
    Google prioritizes content inventory sites with components like comparison charts, pros and cons breakdowns, how-to guides, structured data markup, and FAQs. Although they are phasing out FAQs in search results, these elements remain valuable for user experience.
  • 13:36
    Balancing conversion goals with SEO efforts
    Its crucial to secure buy-in and support from UX and CRO teams with data-backed SEO recommendations that can improve user experience and drive traffic growth. Ongoing education and communication between teams is essential to maintaining this balance


  • "As SEOs, we love being able to write 600 to 1000 words to fit every keyword in there. But that day and age is over with, and must have the user experience tied in and tightened." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "Despite Googles phasing out of FAQs from search results, they remain valuable for user experience, as they answer critical user questions." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "Constant education is key for in-house SEOs to get buy-in and support, fostering mutual learning with other teams." - Shae Bourdeaux

About the speaker

Shae Bourdeaux

Vivint Smart Home

 is a little camera shy

Shae is Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home

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