Volker Schmidt

- Part 1 When to prioritize content optimization — Volker Schmidt // Acrolinx
- Part 2Why AI is the right solution for content — Volker Schmidt // Acrolinx
Show Notes
? 01:48Acrolinx in a nutshell? 05:59 -Metrics to look at to identify successful content optimization
“In a nutshell, Acrolinx heads large enterprises to govern their content holistically. It may seem like a trivial task but in a world where the user experience is mainly driven by the consumption of content, it becomes a big task.” -Volker
“Content is being produced everywhere and its really hard to get your hands around it and govern it in terms of optimal output and performance but also in the aspect of reducing risks in your content. For instance, in a life science company, 95% of their pages talk about their products and you can rest assured that the Chief Compliance Officer want to make sure that everything that is being said and written about the products of that company needs to be governed in a certain way to avoid some legal risks.” -Volker
“Rule number one, marketing plays a big role in content production but thats not the only role. Content is produced for various purposessuch as to market products, create awareness, create the need for a transaction and theres also content being produced for retention purposes.” -Volker
“One of our clients has a sub-domain and that sub-domain has 1 billion visits per year and the average time the visitor has spent in that subdomain is 7 minutes. If you do the math, this is 7 billion minutes every year that that company enjoys in having an interaction with their clients or prospects.” -Volker
“Theres half a million pages sitting on that subdomain that has a billion visits and 7 billion minutes of consumption. Nobody would dispute or argue whether there is a need for optimization. Can you get this to 1.1 billion or can you get this from 7 minutes average to 8 minutes average and by the way, was the user experience a good one or a bad one. If you look at the order of magnitude, I am fascinated by the fact that the user experience culminated in 7 billion minutes of consumption content in a given year is an enormous opportunity or might be arisk.” -Volker
“Theres an interesting to think about when you are looking at content consumption and when you think about content optimization. It has different priorities for different sizes of business. When you are an early or growth stage company, content production really matters the most.” -Volker
“There is a fair amount of metrics that we create when we govern a site. Most of them are around quality of the content and its a pretty complex thing that can only be managed via AI.” -Volker
“Normally what happens is the enterprise sets a threshold on quality. Its not a cookie-cutter approach because the content for marketers needs to be engaging and emotional but content that is being produced to a client has a completely different purpose and itdoesnt have to be emotional, it has to be rational.” -Volker
“There is one component in all platforms that we call the findability and we all know hard it is to achieve that. The first thing that every enterprise has to refine is what it is that they want to be known for.” -Volker
“Its one of the things that I appreciate about the company that we have formulated. The approach has gone from building a platform where people can come in and optimize their content to, on some level distributing their data and services and enabling the SEO community to be able to broadly understand the power of search data. There is value in search data beyond just optimizing for SEO.” -Ben
“At the end of the day when I think about content optimization, there are reallytwo components. You need to think about the end-user experience and write to make sure that you have content scannability or readability but you also need to factor in how Google is going to consume the content and a lot of that is formatting for lists and bullets, making sure that Google can grab the snippets of content that they are going to be able to put in the search engine to provide the best search experience.” -Ben
- Part 1 When to prioritize content optimization — Volker Schmidt // Acrolinx
- Part 2Why AI is the right solution for content — Volker Schmidt // Acrolinx
Volker Schmidt

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Part 1When to prioritize content optimization — Volker Schmidt // Acrolinx
Part 2Why AI is the right solution for content — Volker Schmidt // Acrolinx
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