Why SEO Product Management is more than writing dev tickets

Gus Pelogia, SEO Product Manager at Indeed, delves into SEO product management and internal project pitching. SEO product management is a multifaceted role that encompasses strategy, collaboration, content, data analysis, user experience, and more. While writing dev tickets is part of the process, it's just one aspect of a broader and more comprehensive approach to optimizing websites for search engines and driving business success. Today, Gus discusses why SEO product management is more than just writing dev tickets.
About the speaker

Gus Pelogia


 - Indeed

Gus is SEO Product Manager at Indeed

Show Notes

  • 02:01
    Gus journey into SEO product management
    Gus initially joined Indeed as an SEO manager. After about two months, he was offered the opportunity to take on the SEO product manager role when the previous person in that position left, and his boss saw potential in him for the role.
  • 04:12
    Responsibilities of an SEO product manager
    SEO Product Managers pitch ideas via PRDs, oversee project execution (sprint planning, ticketing), and prove SEO initiative impact. Their role includes idea documentation, project management, and scaling proven initiatives.
  • 07:06
    The cross functional nature of the SEO product manager role
    The SEO product manager's role is highly cross-functional, involving collaboration with teams like UX. By engaging with different departments, they can discover opportunities to leverage existing work for SEO initiatives, streamlining processes and generating more efficient projects.
  • 08:53
    Collaborating with stakeholders to execute projects
    In executing projects with various stakeholders, especially engineers, close communication and understanding their workload are crucial. To ensure SEO tasks are prioritized, tickets should communicate the impact so engineers have a reason to execute on SEO tickets.
  • 15:21
    Key factors for success in SEO product management
    SEO product management success involves clear, comprehensive tickets, active sprint planning involvement, and strategic ticket prioritization. Balancing quick tasks with impactful projects is crucial for meeting team and organizational objectives
  • 18:53
    The value of breaking down large tasks into smaller tasks
    The groundwork for project success in SEO product management starts well before ticket creation, focusing on clear scoping and ensuring each ticket addresses a single request. Breaking tasks into smaller, distinct activities helps foster a sense of progress and accomplishment.


  • "The SEO PM role is cross-functional. Collaborating with UX uncovered opportunities to adapt their work for SEO initiatives. Building these relationships enable dual-project benefits." - Gus Pelogia

  • "SEO tickets may be overlooked when tasks are assigned without considering the engineers' workload. Effective tickets articulate the impact of initiatives and purpose of the task." - Gus Pelogia

  • "SEO product management success relies on very clear tickets and being part of the sprint planning as well." - Gus Pelogia

  • "Always just have one request on a ticket. Don't try to put a few more things in there, because the engineer that picks it up will look at them as different activities and ask you to break that down." - Gus Pelogia

About the speaker

Gus Pelogia


 - Indeed

Gus is SEO Product Manager at Indeed

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