E-comm’s “Search First” mindset — Craig Dunham // Deepcrawl

Craig Dunham, CEO of Lumar, talks about technical SEO and how to build a better web experience. The restrictions on third-party data have made it more challenging for eCommerce brands to find and target potential customers through channels like Google ads and social media. As a result, search engine visibility and first-party data collection have grown in importance for eCommerce companies. Today, Craig discusses eCommerce's search-first mindset.
About the speaker

Craig Dunham

Lumar (FKA: Deepcrawl)

 is a little camera shy

Craig is CEO of Lumar

Show Notes

  • 02:08
    Why eCommerce is turning to a search
    The competition to be found through search is intense due to the commoditization of many retail products. So, eCommerce companies focus on being easily found through search engines in order to differentiate themselves from competitors and attract customers.
  • 04:30
    The importance of search engine visibility for eCommerce brands
    People often use search engines, particularly Google, to find specific items or gifts for others, and tend to scroll past ads and focus on the first result. Thats why its important to be found easily through search results.
  • 06:03
    The impact of third
    Third-party data restrictions have made search engine visibility more important for eCommerce brands, as retargeting becomes more difficult. In addition, Google's algorithm takes website performance and user experience into account for search ranking.
  • 07:34
    The importance of direct website sales in eCommerce vs other industries
    While other industries have additional mechanisms for generating revenue, eCommerce relies heavily on digital sales. The website is the primary channel for users to engage with and make purchases from an eCommerce brand.


  • "In retail, it's highly commoditized, people want to be found. And eCommerce brands recognize the importance of that." -Craig Dunham, CEO, Lumar

  • "Oftentimes, if you're searching for someone else or gift giving, there's still a large percentage of the population that are gonna go into Google for 90% plus of the cases." -Craig Dunham, CEO, Lumar

  • "Not a lot of people click on the actual ads upfront. They're going to go to that first result." -Craig Dunham, CEO, Lumar

  • "Unlike other industries, eCommerce is more reliant on revenue generated directly from the website. It is the primary channel by which users will go, engage with your brand, and ultimately make purchases." -Craig Dunham, CEO, Lumar

About the speaker

Craig Dunham

Lumar (FKA: Deepcrawl)

 is a little camera shy

Craig is CEO of Lumar

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