About the speaker
Tyson Stockton
Searchmetrics GmbH

- Part 1 Winners & Losers (April 2020) — Tyson Stockton // Searchmetrics
Show Notes
Speaker 1: (00:00)Bridge toll California customer service number highway miles to the gallon Ford focus, high wind cave rescue operation. What is schema F best wine bars in San Carlos, California. Best Western hotels, our oldest Rinaldo. What happened with big grub? What tips for wedding should I send down the first series on other email clients? Identify fonts from where to find them or Speaker 2: (00:30)or April, 2020 edition of winners and losers on the voices of search podcast. Today we're going to take a look back on the month and talk about some of the trends behind the biggest movers, shakers, and slackers in the SEO world. Joining us for winners and losers is Tyson Stockton, who is the vice president of services. Tyson manages search metrics as SEO content and client success organizations and outside of shepherding their largest and most strategic clients to SEO success. He's dug through the search metrics suite to help you understand who's making moves in the SEO community. Okay, here's my monthly sit down with search metrics is VP of services, Tyson, Stockton, Tyson. Welcome to the voices of search podcast. Thanks Ben. Speaker 3: (01:12)Back again. This is month two of winners and losers over 19 Speaker 2: (01:18)month two of you recording podcasts from your bedroom in sweat pants. Just like the rest of us. For the record, everybody I put jeans on today. Speaker 3: (01:27)Yeah, Speaker 2: (01:29)I know I'm regretting it already. That said, it's been an interesting month in the SEO world. Obviously everything is colored by the shelter in place. The Corona virus dominates the headlines for the news story. Let's just start off there. In the SEO world, what are we seeing as it relates to the Corona virus? Speaker 3: (01:49)Yeah, it's been interesting kind of monitoring what's been going on across a lot of these verticals because we saw, and we kind of highlighted this in the last webinar where we saw changes in search demands that then we kind of spoke on previous podcasts even of how that visibility based on just the demand for now. So we've been seeing really interesting things from a behavior standpoint of clicks going to websites but no conversions and what the behavior between transactional versus informational intense. So that's been something that's been continuing to evolve as we go into this. Can we take one of the industries that in the beginning had some activity, but I think a little more kind of conservative. People weren't sure how long this was going to ask, how deep that colonic impact was. He saw people holding understanding and really understand this last month we've seen ecommerce kind of open back up, especially with the big players. Speaker 2: (02:50)So last month when we talked about what was happening with the Corona virus, it was early days. We didn't have a ton of data. We saw some fluctuations in eMay 1, 2020
- Part 1 Winners & Losers (April 2020) — Tyson Stockton // Searchmetrics
About the speaker
Tyson Stockton
Searchmetrics GmbH

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Part 1Winners & Losers (April 2020) — Tyson Stockton // Searchmetrics