Making a name for yourself in SEO — Kavi Kardos // Uproer

Kavi Kardos, Director of SEO at Uproer, explores strategies for success in the SEO industry. In the SEO industry, becoming known as an expert can lead to increased business opportunities. However, for those not interested in public speaking or seeking celebrity status, there are alternative strategies to establish your reputation as an SEO expert. Today, Kavi discusses making a name for yourself in the SEO industry.
About the speaker

Kavi Kardos


 is a little camera shy

Kavi is Director of SEO at Uproer

Show Notes

  • 01:47
    Making a name for yourself in the SEO industry
    Making a name in SEO depends on your specific interests and goals. Whether you aim to become a visible industry celebrity or simply establish yourself as an expert in your niche, it's essential to pursue the path that aligns with your personal objectives.
  • 04:19
    Choosing a specialization in SEO
    When fine-tuning your SEO specialty, choose a topic you're genuinely passionate about, as you'll spend a significant amount of time discussing and writing on it. Specializing should align with your passion and not pigeonhole you into an area you don't enjoy or feel excited about.
  • 07:05
    Leveraging SEO communities for networking and growth opportunities
    Once youve chosen your specialization, joining SEO communities grants you access to valuable connections and opportunities for growth. If your intent is to speak at conferences, you have to start pitching and be willing to say yes to opportunities that come your way.
  • 10:25
    The benefits of public speaking in SEO
    Even if your aim isnt to be known as an SEO speaker, trying out public speaking at industry events can boost your confidence and help you develop executive presence. This, in turn, enhances your ability to communicate effectively with clients or in-house stakeholders.
  • 13:07
    Building a reputation and visibility in SEO
    Make personal connections by reaching out to industry professionals, even if it's intimidating. Offer your expertise and assistance in online communities as it not only establishes your authority in your niche but also helps you overcome the fear of asking for help when needed.
  • 15:53
    Tips for establishing industry connections
    When reaching out to experts in the SEO industry, take a humble approach, be relatable, and try to establish a personal connection. Establishing Interpersonal connections before asking them for something is more likely to lead to a positive response.


  • "Trying out speaking on stage and seeing if it is for you is not only good for getting your name out there, it also gives you more confidence when you're speaking to clients or to your in-house stakeholders." - Kavi Kardos

  • "In trying to get your name out there in SEO, you don't have to do something just because you've seen your SEO heroes doing it. Youve just got to do whatever is right for you." - Kavi Kardos

  • "Once you see how easy it is to offer your own help and your own advice to somebody, you realize that it's not that big of a deal to ask someone else for the same." - Kavi Kardos

  • "When choosing an area of specialization within SEO, choose a niche you love because youre going to be talking and writing about that topic in perpetuity." - Kavi Kardos

  • "Define what 'making a name for yourself' means to you, whether as an industry expert or a visible presence, and pursue that path accordingly." - Kavi Kardos

About the speaker

Kavi Kardos


 is a little camera shy

Kavi is Director of SEO at Uproer

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