A technical breakdown on how to generate the greatest return on ad spend from Facebook Ads — Brenton Thomas // Twibi

About the speaker

Brenton Thomas


 is a little camera shy

Brenton is Founder of Twibi

Show Notes

  • 02:49
    How to approach maximizing ad spend on Google
    It's crucial to optimize toward your specific goal and ensure alignment with machine learning. When offering multiple services, create separate campaigns for each and optimize them for leads completing the desired action, with conversion tracking corresponding to each campaign.
  • 03:58
    Differentiating high quality leads from low quality leads
    You can add qualifying questions to your lead form and use Google Tag Manager to track high-quality leads based on specific criteria. This approach helps the machine learning process to prioritize and optimize toward converting valuable customers.
  • 05:31
    Google Ads and personalization
    Google ads are initially triggered by keywords. However, the audience shown the ad is further filtered based on historical data of profiles of people who have taken the desired action in the past.
  • 06:08
    Enhancing Google Ads
    Display ads are ideal for capturing a lot of impressions and driving brand awareness if you have the budget for it. Additionally, incorporating Performance Max campaigns can be beneficial.
  • 06:49
    How Performance Max streamlines Google Ad management
    Performance Max is a combination of all the Google properties like search, display, and discovery ads into a single campaign. The management process is simplified by eliminating the need to create, manage, and allocate budget across multiple campaigns.
  • 07:28
    Lead conversion sources
    Most of the lead conversions come from the search channel, with occasional conversions from YouTube. However, as the properties are combined, the Google algorithm will enter certain channels, grab conversions when it can, then move into other channels for more conversions.
  • 07:55
    Twibis clients typical monthly budget for Google Ads
    Twibis clients are in a variety of industries ranging from school loan forgiveness to software. Monthly budgets tend to be $2,000 on the low end and can reach as high as $40,000.
  • 08:39
    How the algorithm works for Google Ads
    Googles machine learning is somewhat of a black box that leverages historical data and multiple touchpoints to identify patterns and preferences of users. It analyzes factors, such as age ranges, interests, and behaviors, to optimize ad targeting and delivery.
  • 10:27
    Google Ads vs LinkedIn Ads
    While PPC and Google Ads are the largest channels Twibi manages for its customers, theyve tested equal budgets for Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads. Though Google Ads consistently outperformed LinkedIn in terms of cost per lead, its recommended to try out both platforms.
  • 10:51
    Twibi and custom client reporting
    Twibi creates personalized Google Data Studio reports for each client, using the CPA of leads as the primary metric. Reporting focuses on conversion rates and bottom-of-funnel metrics, and by inputting the client's lead value into Google Ads, Twibi generates a modeled-out ROAS.
  • 11:27
    Measuring success beyond ROAS
    In addition to ROAS and efficient ad spend, lead quality is also a crucial concern for Twibis clients. While the sales team takes over once Twibi hands off the leads, Twibi maintains an open feedback loop with clients to ensure leads meet their criteria and make any necessary changes.
  • 11:59
    The future of Google Ads
    In the future, Google Ads may continue to streamline and automate processes like automated negative keyword suggestions. Eventually, advertisers could simply input a few questions and the system will automatically build and optimize their entire campaign with the specified budget.
  • 13:31
    The benefits and drawbacks of Performance Max campaigns
    Performance Max campaigns streamline agency work by enabling unified uploads and multi-platform advertising. However, the change also brings more sophisticated and labor-intensive work in terms of now needing to establish a process to work on creative with clients.
  • 14:14
    Navigating Google's recommendations with caution
    When it comes to optimizing return on ad spend in Google Ads, it's essential to be cautious with the platform's recommendations and not blindly accept them all. It's important to focus on spending money wisely and ensuring a great return on investment.


  • "In the past, youd have to create six different campaigns and allocate budgets across them. Google has stuffed them all into one with Performance Max, and you just have to watch that one campaign." -Brenton Thomas, Founder, Twibi

  • "I had a year where I would run equal budgets for Google ads and LinkedIn ads. Consistently, LinkedIn just couldn't keep up in terms of cost per lead." -Brenton Thomas, Founder, Twibi

  • "I think highly of Google and their algorithms. But those recommendations that they offer you, don't accept them all. They want you to spend as much as possible." -Brenton Thomas, Founder, Twibi

About the speaker

Brenton Thomas


 is a little camera shy

Brenton is Founder of Twibi

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