Wasif Kasim
Online Marketing Gurus

Wasif is the MD at OMG. His approach is always hands-on, strategic & data-driven, with proven results across startups, enterprises, SaaS, tech, education and more. He's bringing his 11+ years of experience and enthusiasm to the table.nn(Thinking about a different guest for the second topic, just seeing if you're interested in these topics and we can go into more detail if you are)
- Part 1An Online Marketing Guru’s B2B SEO Essentials
- Part 2 Global Domination with International SEO
Show Notes
? 01:50Marketing content internationally? 03:36 -Thought process and trade-offs between in-house SEO and outsourcing it for international SEO
“Whenever you create content, create content that readers deeply care about and deeply struggle with but that content needs to be globally relevant. Thats where you start.” -Wasif
“The first thing we do is we start with 10 to 15 blogs every month, I look at highly relevant pain points that customers have, things that they are trying to solve and write an in-depth article for each one of those points.” -Wasif
“As most people in the industry know, it is very difficult to find a good SEO. There are a big influx and outflux of SEOs for various reasons that it didnt work out. So finding a good SEO is hard but at the same time, you want to in-house it because there is a lot of benefit of having someone in-house because they are in the team, they understand the business, the learning curve is phenomenal there and they have a lot more information. Communication is also a lot better and therefore results get accelerated.” -Wasif
“Sometimes SEOs are, no disrespect intended but too SEO. Especially today, you need an SEO that not only completely understands SEO but also understands aspects outside of SEO that is going to make the marketing campaign a success.” -Wasif
“The main disadvantage of finding someone in-house is number one, it is hard to find that person and number two, often you will bring that person in, find that they are not the right fit and you need to cycle them out. Number three, when you do havesomeone in-house, its really hard sometimes for one person to keep track of all the changes that Google does in a year and they make a lot of changes in a year.” -Wasif
“The other option is to look at an agency where because of the nature that they work with 500+ clients, they are across a lot of these changes, a lot more so than an in-house individual and a team because they have come across a huge breadth of informationand different types of client. For instance, this algorithm update impacted finance but it did not impact retail.” -Wasif
“For instance, in the US they call it slippers and here we call it sandals. So you create that piece of content, you SEO optimize it and then you share it with a local representative and then they will review it, then they tweak it and then you launch it in that part of the world.” -Wasif
“The other thing thats really important when we are having this international SEO discussion is getting the foundational aspects and foundational strategy right.” -Wasif
“First thing that you need to start with is a website structure. What I mean by that is, are you going to go with country-level domains, for instance, apple.sg versus a sub-domain which is sg.apple.com versus a sub-folder which is, apple.com/sg. Each one of these approaches has its own unique pros and cons. This is where you need someone who has that depth of experience who launched a lot of these campaigns in the past and often I find that agencies have come in handy for me over here.” -Wasif
“Based on that strategy, you have to look at the local search volumes as well. One great example is, in Australia, people search for SEO companies or they search for SEO Sydney whereasin the States, people dont say SEO company, they say SEO firm so you have to target the local version of the keyword search and this is where for every single actual region, you have to find out what is the highest-trafficked search or search volumesas well as which things are being searched for.” -Wasif
“You wont have the budget to focus on everything you want to focus on under the sun. You only need to pick the top three or four keywords to rank for per region and often that would vary a lot based on the local searches and decide to make a play for that.” -Wasif
“Obviously international SEO is a very nuanced topic where it depends on where your products are, what your domain authority is, what staff you have on your team, your ability to communicate not only on multiple locations but also in multiple languages.” -Ben
- Part 1An Online Marketing Guru’s B2B SEO Essentials
- Part 2 Global Domination with International SEO
Wasif Kasim
Online Marketing Gurus

Wasif is the MD at OMG. His approach is always hands-on, strategic & data-driven, with proven results across startups, enterprises, SaaS, tech, education and more. He's bringing his 11+ years of experience and enthusiasm to the table.nn(Thinking about a different guest for the second topic, just seeing if you're interested in these topics and we can go into more detail if you are)
Up Next:
Part 1An Online Marketing Guru’s B2B SEO Essentials
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Part 2Global Domination with International SEO