An update on the Helpful Content Update — Jordan Koene // Previsible

Jordan Koene, PreVisible CEO and Co-Founder, discusses a little SEO news. We're just about three weeks into the rollout of Google’s helpful content update, and not much has changed. While some sites have taken a hit during this period, it seems as though Google’s intent was to send a message to the SEO community that their focus should be on creating high-quality experiences and content. Today, Jordan talks about the helpful content update.
About the speaker

Jordan Koene

 is a little camera shy

Jordan is CEO and Co-Founder of

Show Notes

  • 02:08
    Predictions about the rollout of Google's helpful content update
    Google announced the update about a week before a major US holiday. It was predicted that the helpful content update would have taken full effect over the Labor Day weekend.
  • 03:07
    The outcome of the helpful content update
    Unlike the prediction, no major disturbance happened over the Labor Day weekend. Were also about three weeks into the release of the update and nothing has happened.
  • 04:20
    Possible reasons for the outcome of the helpful content update
    Google likely used the announcement of this update as an opportunity to tell SEOs to stop producing low-quality content. Moreover, they probably used the opportunity to get rid of low-quality websites.
  • 05:45
    How the helpful content update affected low
    Low-quality sites that weren't getting many clicks were eliminated from Google altogether. And, theres likely a part of the helpful content update that focused on removing and reducing sites that werent receiving any attention.
  • 06:59
    Takeaways for the SEO community from the helpful content update
    This was a way for Google to inform the SEO community that they should focus on high-quality experiences and content. It was also a warning to webmasters and big companies that Google has the technology to go after all bad actors.
  • 08:25
    Expected iterations of the helpful content update
    It is highly anticipated that there will be major fluctuations as a result of content-related practices used by webmasters and businesses this coming winter. Google also announced a product structured data documentation update is on the way.


  • "Google is probably using the helpful content update to tell SEOs, clean up your act, stop producing lousy content. Its also likely that Google used this opportunity to really flush out low-quality websites." -Jordan Koene, CEO, PreVisible

  • "I have low-quality websites and what I noticed is that these websites literally dropped to nothing. They weren't getting many clicks but Google has annihilated and eradicated them from Google altogether." -Jordan Koene, CEO, PreVisible

  • "Maybe there's a new policy in the helpful content update that focuses on removal and reduces the presence of low-ranking, poor positions altogether. That might be what the helpful content update really did." -Jordan Koene, CEO, PreVisible

  • "With the helpful content update, there's been no squirming from the SEO community. Google used this as a PR stunt to tell everybody, make sure you're using content in the best possible way." -Jordan Koene, CEO, PreVisible

  • "Come this winter, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some major fluctuations directly targeted to content-related practices that webmasters and businesses utilize." -Jordan Koene, CEO, PreVisible

About the speaker

Jordan Koene

 is a little camera shy

Jordan is CEO and Co-Founder of

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