NFL Team SEO Visibility — Tyson Stockton //

Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder and Education Partner, looks at the movers and shakers in the NFL. Football season is starting and, as expected, the Dallas Cowboys and the Greenbay Packers are leading in SEO visibility. However, surprisingly, a team like the Jacksonville Jaguars aren’t at the absolute bottom in terms of search performance and they’re still managing to capture search demand. Today, Tyson will be using his team's SEO data to understand which of the NFL teams is winning the SEO visibility battle.
About the speaker

Tyson Stockton

 is a little camera shy

Tyson is Co-Founder and Educational Partner at

Show Notes

  • 04:15
    The Dallas Cowboys and Greenbay Packers SEO performance
    These teams are performing better in SEO than they are in football. The Cowboys have the most SEO visibility, followed by the Packers, and third in visibility is the 49ers.
  • 05:16
    SEO performance of other teams ranking high in the power rankings
    The Bills, Buccaneers, and Rams have all had positive SEO performance over the last couple of months. However, theres still a significant amount of separation between them and the Cowboys, Packers, and 49ers.
  • 06:21
    Jacksonvilles SEO performance
    In terms of overall performance, Jacksonville is right behind the Rams in SEO visibility. So, rather than being at the bottom in terms of performance, theyre actually capturing search demand.
  • 08:02
    Visibility index scores for NFL teams
    The score for the Dallas Cowboys is 40,000, while the score for the Packers is 39,000. The Seahawks are at 15,000, putting them ahead of the 49ers. Jacksonville stands at 4,000.
  • 09:12
    How Jacksonville and the Rams can improve their SEO visibility
    In reality, there isnt much that they can do to compete with the search demand for the Dallas Cowboys. In fact, the Cowboys SEO visibility should be much higher than it is currently because of their search demand advantage.
  • 10:00
    Who will win the Superbowl based on SEO performance
    By all indications, the winner should be the 49ers.


  • "From an SEO visibility perspective, Cowboys are the number one. But, almost right there next to them are the Packers. Then, you're looking at a pretty significant jump down to the Niners." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder,

  • "Jacksonville is not the absolute below. They are just behind the Rams in the standpoint. So, they are still punching above their class, so to speak, for overall performance." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder,

  • "The Seahawks and 49ers have actually flip-flopped, and now the Seahawks are above and still at 15,000, but still above where the 49ers are at." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder,

  • "The visibility index score for the Dallas Cowboys is just under 40,000 and 39,000 for the Packers." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder,

About the speaker

Tyson Stockton

 is a little camera shy

Tyson is Co-Founder and Educational Partner at

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