Directing SEO effectively at a top tier media company

Charles Taylor, Director of SEO at Fox Corporation, delves into the intricacies of managing search engine optimization at a major media company. He shares insights on aligning SEO strategies with business objectives to drive measurable results. Charles emphasizes the importance of staying ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and how leveraging advanced SEO techniques can significantly enhance online visibility. His expertise offers valuable lessons on effectively navigating the complexities of SEO in a competitive industry.
About the speaker

Charles Taylor

Fox Corporation

 - Fox Corporation

Charles is Director of SEO at Fox Corporation

Show Notes

  • 05:22
    Directing SEO strategy differences in top tier media companies.
    Explores how SEO management at a large media company contrasts with smaller entities or different industries, focusing on scale and complexity.
  • 10:47
    Challenges of implementing SEO in high traffic media environments.
    Discusses the specific difficulties encountered when managing SEO for a company with diverse and dynamic content, such as news updates.
  • 15:30
    Coordination of SEO with content creators and editorial teams.
    Details the process and importance of integrating SEO practices with the workflows of content creators and editors to enhance content visibility and engagement.
  • 21:05
    Role of SEO in driving organic growth and audience engagement.
    Analyzes how strategic SEO contributes significantly to organic growth and maintaining viewer engagement in a competitive media landscape.
  • 26:40
    Innovative SEO tactics successful in the media industry.
    Shares examples of unique SEO strategies that have been effective specifically within the media sector and how they can be applied broadly.


  • "There's always the big brand [that] everybody wants to focus on and kind of ignore the others." - Charles Taylor

  • "You'd expect that when you go to a large organization that you suddenly have a huge team. And what ends up happening is the team isn't any bigger than at a smaller, medium sized company, but there's a lot of dotted lines. " - Charles Taylor

  • "Google hasn't done a really good job of explaining what's good, what's bad." - Charles Taylor

  • “When people think about search, generally they always just think Google. And then when people think Google, they often think Google search, [...] but there's so much more than that.” - Charles Taylor

About the speaker

Charles Taylor

Fox Corporation

 - Fox Corporation

Charles is Director of SEO at Fox Corporation

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