Successful migrations without crushing your SEO

Charles Taylor, an expert from Fox Corporation, delves into the complexities of website migrations with a focus on preserving SEO integrity. He shares invaluable insights on how to transition digital assets without losing search engine rankings, emphasizing strategic planning and execution. Taylor's expertise offers a roadmap for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence while maintaining their SEO foothold. Today, he discusses the critical steps and considerations necessary for a successful SEO-friendly migration.
About the speaker

Charles Taylor

Fox Corporation

 - Fox Corporation

Charles is Director of SEO at Fox Corporation

Show Notes

  • 05:10
    Strategies for managing SEO during large scale website migrations.
    Charles Taylor discusses his experiences with SEO management during website migrations at large enterprises, highlighting the complexities and constant changes in CMS platforms.
  • 12:45
    Learning from migration failures to improve future SEO strategies.
    Taylor shares a personal anecdote about his initial migration failure, emphasizing the importance of learning from mistakes to enhance SEO performance in subsequent migrations.
  • 18:30
    The unrecognized challenges and rewards of SEO migrations.
    Exploring the notion that successful SEO migrations often go unnoticed unless something goes wrong, Taylor reflects on the critical, yet underappreciated role of SEO professionals in migrations.


  • "Migrations at an enterprise organization, they're always happening." - Charles Taylor

  • "The reason I became good at migrations is that my first migration was such a failure." - Charles Taylor

  • "Migrations are an opportunity to take your SEO to the next level." - Charles Taylor

About the speaker

Charles Taylor

Fox Corporation

 - Fox Corporation

Charles is Director of SEO at Fox Corporation

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