Optimizing SEO process — Jarrett Weathersby // Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Jarrett Weathersby, Global SEO Manager at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, talks about the challenges and opportunities within effective enterprise SEO management. At the enterprise level, optimizing the SEO process is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful prioritization, aligning expectations and a strategic approach to technical execution. However, external factors such as Google core updates can impact performance, but it's our responsibility to communicate and set realistic expectations with stakeholders. Today, Jarrett discusses optimizing the SEO process at an enterprise level.
About the speaker

Jarrett Weathersby

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

 is a little camera shy

Jarrett is Global SEO Manager at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Show Notes

  • 02:45
    The structure of HPEs technical SEO process
    In a large company like HPE, the process involves coordination between SEO, web dev, the publishing team PM, and stakeholders. Even changes like an image to increase engagement to the website require approval from two to three different people to ensure alignment.
  • 04:04
    HPEs mechanisms for organizational alignment
    HPE has product guidelines for modifications or creating new pages, relying on SMEs for precise product representation in its content. They use Jira for web dev changes and utilize SEMrush, Ahrefs, and BrightEdge for comprehensive keyword research.
  • 06:46
    HPE's process for handling urgent SEO issues
    When a critical issue arises, HPE's process involves identifying problems and their potential impact, then communicating this information to the search lead. In cases of traffic loss to competitors, its about presenting SEO solutions and supporting data to increase market share at little to no cost.
  • 10:08
    Addressing SEO underperformance with stakeholders
    HPE's process involves prioritizing mission-critical elements, setting realistic expectations with stakeholders, and assessing technical and publishing task alignment. They also assess whether underperformance issues are valid and competitive analysis to identify areas for improvement.
  • 14:37
    SEOs result driven nature and the progression of minorities in the industry
    Jarretts experience as a minority in the SEO industry has not deterred him from wanting to learn more, network, and build community. Instead, the results-driven nature of the field has minimized the impact of race on his career progression


  • "If you identify keywords, products, or competitors as mission-critical, drop everything and come up with a plan."- Jarrett Weathersby

  • "Let's level set expectations with stakeholders; competing with Wikipedia or a specialized competitor for certain key terms is extremely challenging." - Jarrett Weathersby

  • "In some other fields, people in my community get discouraged based on skin color, but in SEO, being results-driven minimizes that factor." - Jarrett Weathersby

About the speaker

Jarrett Weathersby

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

 is a little camera shy

Jarrett is Global SEO Manager at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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