Tyson Stockton

- Part 1Google Updates in Q2 — Winners & Losers
- Part 2Technical changes in Q2 — Winners & Losers
- Part 3 Industry Trends in Q2 — Winners & Losers
Show Notes
? 01:51What happened in the SEO industry world last quarter? 03:58 -Gender in category forms, is it a Google trend or a reflection of the retail industry?
“There has been a lot of changes in our behavior as in our lives have kind of been put into this washing machine of a quarter. There has been some change into the landscape and one of the little pieces of findings that we have is the study conducted by our consulting team about Google using gender in relation to different category terms.” -Tyson
“This is interesting because it connects a little bit back to the previous of how Google determines keyword intent but also for websites, it can be a very practical and tactical piece of either falling into the gender preference that Google is showing to it or by also differentiating itself from the big bulk of retailers.” -Tyson
“I wonder if this is really a Google trend or if they are just reflecting what is happening in the retail industry. Big bulk retailers generally, when they are assorting their store put the womens clothes upfront either because women are their core customers or women have bigger carts than men. Whatever the reason, I am sure that there is a business reason behind it and its not just purely based on gender.” -Ben
“I think it is a little bit of both being a Google trend and a reflection of the retail industry. I am sure you are going to have a SKU of inventory volume quantities but I think it is also a window into seeing what they think is important for that company.” -Tyson
“I think this is also in some regards a sensitive topic. Google may not want to bring that in as a piece of their taking from the users from the Google account. It seems to be something that they are not tapping into user accounts but its more of using this larger algorithm of how it is associating the most relevant content. It is a very interesting angle.” -Tyson
“There was a softening or bleaching across the board in those large e-commerce sites. What we are detecting is there was a softening of the low visibility that was not present on desktops. In a lot of these top 10 ecommerce websites, all of those have like 3 to 6% a week over week decline in the mov visibility despite an increase in desktop.” -Tyson
“As we go in more today, whatwe found is really a shifting SERP result on those queries, and if we looked across their current database that there more videos on various things on the SERPs. We also found specifically within the ecommerce that there was an increase on mobile ads as well as videos on the mobile SERPs. This is taking away some more real estate from ecommerce on mobile queries, particularly.” -Tyson
“My biggest takeaway in this quarter is that it is business as usual from a Google standpoint. They are continuing to roll off the changes to no surprise and follows a lot of the historical events.” -Tyson
- Part 1Google Updates in Q2 — Winners & Losers
- Part 2Technical changes in Q2 — Winners & Losers
- Part 3 Industry Trends in Q2 — Winners & Losers
Tyson Stockton

Up Next:
Part 1Google Updates in Q2 — Winners & Losers
Play Podcast -
Part 2Technical changes in Q2 — Winners & Losers
Play Podcast -
Part 3Industry Trends in Q2 — Winners & Losers