Importance of controlling what you allow to be indexed

SEO Director at Future, Simon Glanville, discusses the importance of controlling what you allow to be indexed. Indexing is a super important area that many SEOs struggle with. In this episode, Simon shares his perspectives on controlling website indexing, highlighting the significant issues with large websites, at what size to consider a cawl budget, clues to identify pages that should not be indexed, and so much more.
About the speaker

Simon Glanville


 is a little camera shy

Simon is SEO Director at Future

Show Notes

  • 00:45
    Utilizing sitemaps to ensure desired content is indexed.
    This topic explores the strategic placement of content within sitemaps to guide search engines effectively.
  • 01:30
    The role of Search Console in identifying indexing issues.
    Discussion centers on how Search Console can be used to detect patterns and problems in content indexing.
  • 02:50
    Segmenting sitemaps based on site areas or categories.
    The conversation highlights the benefits of dividing sitemaps to enhance the focus on specific types of content or categories for better indexing.
  • 03:40
    Adapting sitemap strategies to different website types.
    Insights are shared on how the approach to sitemaps should vary depending on the nature of the website and its content structure.


  • “Google's on record as saying, unless you're dealing with probably hundreds of thousands or even millions of URLs, you don't need to worry about crawl budget.” - Simon Glanville

  • “Having a good steer on what you're allowing to be indexed and what you're not allowing to be indexed is really, really important.” - Simon Glanville

  • “If you're starting to get into the hundreds of thousands of URLs, crawl budget itself is probably still not a major problem.” - Simon Glanville

  • “Your XML sitemaps, ideally, should contain everything across the site, every URL you want to be indexed.” - Simon Glanville

  • “I've never seen a no-index tag not be respected after a crawl.” - Simon Glanville

  • “Say you're submitting 50,000 URLs and you've got 46,000 of them indexed. That's a pretty healthy rate.” - Simon Glanville

About the speaker

Simon Glanville


 is a little camera shy

Simon is SEO Director at Future

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