Applying SEO tools for Organic Social growth — Matt Tompkins // Two Brothers Creative/Midwest Mindset Podcast

Matt Tompkins, Owner of Two Brothers Creative, delves into SEO strategies for organic social growth. The role of an SEO professional has significantly evolved, extending our expertise beyond web content optimization to benefit various marketing channels. In fact, our toolkit and skills can now be harnessed to foster organic growth on social platforms. Today, Matt discusses how you can apply SEO tools for organic social growth.
About the speaker

Matt Tompkins

Two Brothers Creative

 - Two Brothers Creative

Matt is Owner of Two Brothers Creative

Midwest Mindset Podcast

Show Notes

  • 02:44
    The role of social media in SEO
    Tracking the concrete impact of social media on SEO is challenging, but it offers brand awareness and real-time insights into trends and search terms. Social media also serves as an A/B testing ground to understand what people are actually searching for beyond traditional keyword research.
  • 05:24
    The value of social media in establishing credibility and authority quickly
    Social media allows for the quick establishment of credibility and authority, increasing the chances of people clicking on your links or eventually doing business with you. Its also useful for A/B testing to determine the most effective CTAs to implement on your site.
  • 08:41
    Tools for growing your social media audience
    Useful tools include TikTok trends, VidIQ for YouTube keyword research, Instagram's trending features, and Twitter's trending topics. These tools can help SEOs stay up to date with current and upcoming trends and capitalize on them across social media platforms.
  • 11:09
    Balancing evergreen content and real time trends on social media
    When creating evergreen content for social platforms, steer clear or controversial hashtags to maintain authenticity. However, remember that without relevant keywords or hashtags, your content wont get engagement or get seen because theres no relevance to it.
  • 12:38
    Prioritizing social media channels for content marketing
    Prioritize social media channels based on your target audience and personal preferences. Implement a long-term, staged strategy, starting with your primary channel and gradually adding others to accurately track metrics and optimize your SEO efforts.


  • "We like to use social media as our A/B testing ground to build brand awareness, build relationships, and really dial into what people are actually asking, and not just based on the pure keyword research on the front end." - Matt Tompkins

  • "With social media, you can instantly establish credibility and authority without proof. People see you in a video and assume you're credible, increasing the chances of them clicking on your link or doing business with you." - Matt Tompkins

  • "All social media platforms today are based on engagement. If you post something and nobody engages with it because you don't have the optimal keywords or hashtags in there, it's just not going to be seen by anybody." - Matt Tompkins

  • "A common mistake is trying to be on six, seven different social platforms out of the gate. Start with your primary channel where your ideal customers spend the most time, then add the next." - Matt Tompkins

About the speaker

Matt Tompkins

Two Brothers Creative

 - Two Brothers Creative

Matt is Owner of Two Brothers Creative

Midwest Mindset Podcast

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