What in-house SEOs want in agency partners — Kavi Kardos // Uproer

Kavi Kardos, Director of SEO at Uproer, explores strategies for success in the SEO industry. One of the biggest challenges in SEO agency work is the prevalence of standard, one-size-fits-all packages offered to clients, regardless of their unique circumstances. In contrast, the most successful partnerships are built upon agencies delivering customized solutions aligned with the business’ goals and website. Today, Kavi discusses what in-house SEOs look for in agency partners.
About the speaker

Kavi Kardos


 is a little camera shy

Kavi is Director of SEO at Uproer

Show Notes

  • 02:22
    SEO challenges between agency and in house teams
    The biggest point of friction comes from people working in agencies who haven't had significant in-house experience. They may not fully understand the intricacies of in-house workflows, reporting structures, and the need to address specific internal boards or decision-makers.
  • 03:45
    The disconnect between agency SEO recommendations and in house business goals
    In the agency setting, SEO is the focus 100% of the time while in-house teams have broader business concerns. Bridging this gap requires agency SEOs to connect their recommendations with the overarching business goals of the in-house organization.
  • 06:46
    Adapting to changing business goals in SEO
    Taking the time to understand the business, its challenges, and the in-house team's pain points significantly enhances the value delivered. Regular check-ins ensure alignment between agency efforts and the evolving priorities of the in-house team.
  • 08:23
    The importance of involving developers in SEO efforts
    Developers should be involved from early in the process to ensure that recommendations from SEO tech audit recommendations can be implemented in their sprint cycles. It's crucial to align SEO efforts with their goals, and integrate SEO into their existing workflows for better results.
  • 09:38
    Early engagement with development and content teams
    When a potential client expresses interest in working with an SEO agency, it's the right time to request meetings with their development and content teams. If they decline or these teams are too busy, this could be a sign of them being a poor fit for the agency.
  • 11:17
    Vetting prospective agency SEO clients
    It's essential for agencies to recognize when it's right to say no to certain client opportunities. Prioritizing a good fit for both the agency and its employees over simply pursuing monthly revenue is vital for business success and employee engagement.
  • 13:02
    Agency involvement in in house dev and content processes
    SEOs can offer more value by integrating into the development process and even creating development tickets for in-house teams. Similarly, involvement in content processes, whether writing content or providing guidelines is absolutely crucial.
  • 14:01
    How to choose the right SEO agency
    In-house teams should assess whether an agency is providing a unique solution that matches their business goals and website. Pay attention to the agency's questions during onboarding to determine if theyve taken the time to understand your website and tailor their recommendations accordingly.
  • 17:10
    How to maximize value in In house agency partnerships
    In-house teams should communicate their available resources and areas where they require more assistance. Sharing information about upcoming reporting needs, specific concerns, and overall expectations ensures that the agency can provide the most valuable support.
  • 21:35
    Ensuring ongoing value in In house agency relationships
    It's crucial to avoid falling into a routine and instead maintain a regular review process. These reviews should involve fresh perspectives and brainstorming to identify opportunities for continued growth and impact, ensuring the agency adds ongoing value to the client's business.


  • "Generally, agency SEOs dont do a good enough job of laddering up the recommendations that we're making and ensuring that those speak to overarching business goals at the in-house organization." - Kavi Kardos

  • "An organization's goals and biggest concerns change over time. Checking in regularly and not assuming that you're always going for the same thing, year in and year out, is really important." - Kavi Kardos

  • "If you can't keep adding value, you're an external line item that's on that in-house organization's bill every quarter. They're not going to keep you around if you're not moving money for them." - Kavi Kardos

  • "Asking your employees to work on client accounts that are going to be unpleasant and difficult is not a good way to keep them engaged and it's not good for the business." - Kavi Kardos

  • "An agency partner that doesn't give you a unique solution that really matches your own business goals and your website is a huge red flag to me." - Kavi Kardos

About the speaker

Kavi Kardos


 is a little camera shy

Kavi is Director of SEO at Uproer

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