October SEO Losers: Sears, Websters, Linkedin — Tyson Stockton // Previsible

Tyson Stockton, PreVisible.io Co-Founder and Education Partner, looks at the trends behind SEO’s biggest movers, shakers, and slackers in October. Google’s approach towards the misspellings of branded terms and determining intent has been advantageous to social media websites. However, rather than benefiting from this, LinkedIn has experienced a decline in SEO performance on brand-related queries. Today, Tyson discusses this month’s SEO losers.
About the speaker

Tyson Stockton


 is a little camera shy

Tyson is Co-Founder and Educational Partner at PreVisible.io

Show Notes

  • 02:00
    LinkedIns SEO performance in October
    LinkedIn had a 38% decrease in SEO visibility for the month. Unlike Twitter, LinkedIn experienced softening across misspellings and correct spellings for brand-related queries.
  • 03:32
    LinkedIns SEO performance vs other social media companies
    In comparison to platforms like Twitter and Facebook, LinkedIn is a lot smaller. So, their decrease across a large body of keywords could be attributed to an increase in competition and oversaturation within the space.
  • 04:31
    Dictionary websites and Google's understanding of intent behind misspellings
    Merriam-Webster saw a 12.5% decrease in SEO visibility for the month. The reason behind this decrease was Googles understanding of the intent of those misspellings and there no longer being a need to populate the SERPs with as many definition type sites.
  • 05:34
    The impact of Googles understanding of intent behind misspellings
    While Merriam-Webster lost ground on terms like weather misspellings, weather provider sites gained increased visibility and were able to stack rankings for it. More volatility can be expected from this area as Google continues to adjust their approach to query intent and misspellings.
  • 06:49
    Sears.coms SEO performance for October
    Though the holiday season is coming up, and Thanksgiving is around the corner, Sears still lost 25% of its organic visibility this month. As a whole, their brand has been on the decline and this performance follows the ongoing trend for their company.
  • 07:42
    Why Sears.coms SEO performance has been on the decline
    Since Sears went bankrupt in 2018, their performance has consistently been declining with October having the worst performance. A huge vulnerability of the site is that any site search will generate a page that is indexable by search engines.
  • 09:42
    Using Sears site search vulnerability to increase traffic
    Going that route wouldnt be helpful because youll just have a search results page on Sears with no or very loosely related inventory. Having those pages indexed creates a crawl efficiency vulnerability and its diluting the signals to the other pages for Sears.


  • "LinkedIn had a 38% decrease for the month. It was actually the biggest movement or single performance change month for them for the last two years." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder, PreVisible.io

  • "Merriam-Webster.com saw a 12.5% decrease for the month, and a lot of the decrease was in misspellings." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder, PreVisible.io

  • "Sears had a 25% loss of their organic visibility this month. And this follows a little bit of the pacing as far as what's been going on with this company as a whole." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder, PreVisible.io

  • "We could throw some backlinks and probably get Voices of Search Sears to be indexed... This creates huge problems with crawl bandwidth, efficiency, and overall site performance." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder, PreVisible.io

  • "When you go into the Sears site and do any site search on it, it will generate a page that is indexable by search engines. That's a huge vulnerability of the website." -Tyson Stockton, Co-Founder, PreVisible.io

About the speaker

Tyson Stockton


 is a little camera shy

Tyson is Co-Founder and Educational Partner at PreVisible.io

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