Misconceptions around effectively tracking SEO

Sal Surra, Director of SEO and Content at Seamless.AI, delves into optimizing large websites and tracking SEO effectively. The allure of high rankings for specific keywords can be deceptive if those rankings fail to translate into meaningful traffic. This dilemma highlights a fundamental misconception: the belief that ranking alone equates to success in SEO. Today, Sal discusses misconceptions around effectively tracking SEO.
About the speaker

Sal Surra


 is a little camera shy

Sal Surra is Director of SEO and Content at Seamless.AI

Show Notes

  • 02:12
    AI and changing search habits
    Today, writing within a topic instead of specific keywords captures a broader audience and generates higher-quality traffic. While search habits are changing in younger audiences, how much appetite people have for AI integration in search is yet to be determined.
  • 05:41
    Creating topic based content
    To adapt to Google's emphasis on topics, it's essential to create content based around topics rather than specific keywords. By taking this approach, keywords naturally integrate and flow within the content.
  • 07:44
    Enhancing SEO tracking with AI
    Within Seamless tools, AI helps assign confidence scores to data, aiding in determining its validity and usefulness. Additionally, AI can assist in keyword research by analyzing competitor data and suggesting which keywords may be more effective.
  • 10:58
    Key metrics in SEO tracking
    The most important metrics in SEO tracking go beyond simple rankings and include impressions and clicks. Additionally, engagement metrics like bounce rates and time on site helps gauge traffic quality and informs strategies for content and site improvement.


  • "Thinking about individual specific keywords or broad terms is not the main strategy to pursue. Instead, being able to write within a topic is much more beneficial. You capture more of the audience, you get more longer tail." - Sal Surra

  • "Leveraging AI to give you more confidence in what youre seeing and to help you attribute and filter your data is a great way that AI is being used today." - Sal Surra

  • "Bing has had ChatGPT integrated into the search for about a year now. Yet, it only increased their market share by about 1%." - Sal Surra

  • "You get more and better data if you take it out of Google Search Console. My advice to people is definitely export to Looker. " - Sal Surra

  • "Impressions are one of the leading indicators of whether content will do well or not. If Google can't find anybody to serve up that piece of content to, you need to work on the quality, refresh it, or get rid of it." - Sal Surra

About the speaker

Sal Surra


 is a little camera shy

Sal Surra is Director of SEO and Content at Seamless.AI

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